Chapter 21-How Much Money?

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<<<<<<Trevor's POV>>>>>>

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

I shouldn't have brought her out of the room, but I could tell she was getting sick of sitting there all day. I thought I could give her something to do.

"Yes" she mumbled.

We walked down the long hallway, down door after door towards the kitchen. I only let her out with me because I knew most of the guys weren't here right now.

They are all out doing the dirty work for Blaze. I looked into her eyes to make sure she was telling the truth. If she wasn't I would take her right back to that room. I don't want her to be uncomfortable.

"Hey Trevy" I turned around to see Tyler, my cousin.

"Oh look your little Barbie doll is with you." He said.

"Shut up" I growled. "Don't call her that"

"It's fine Trevor, calm down" she whispered.

"Yeah Trevy calm down, listen to your girl" Tyler cooed.

"What are your doing here? I thought you'd be gone." I asked him.

"I'm done for the day. Maybe I can hang out with and....what's your name again beautiful" he asked Parker.

"That's not important, we have to go" I tugged on Parker's arm and she followed next to me.

"Maybe some other time Trevy, you can't keep her all for yourself. Share sometime" he yelled and I felt Parker cringe next to me.

"Im sorry about that. I didn't know he would be here" I said walking into the kitchen.

I started grabbing some flour and started making dough. I was going to make some homemade pizza.

"It's okay" she said.

"I hope you like pizza"

"I do" she said. There was an awkward silence. I was going to say something, but she beat me too it.

"Who was that boy?" She asked.

Great. "That was my cousin, Tyler. My dad's brothers son." I explained to her.

"He seems like a real catch" he teased.

I laughed, I'm glad she is cracking jokes.

"Yeah he is something alright" I mumbled.

"You don't like him?" She asked curiosity in her voice.

"He is my cousin, I guess I have to like him. It's just sometime we don't see eye to eye." I explained.

"Sometimes my brothers and I don't see eye to eye, but I still love them." She said.

That was the first time that she brought up her family.

"Do you miss them?" I asked her.

"So much" she said. I could tell she was fighting off tears. I wrap my arms around her and held her tight.

I know what it feels like to miss the people you love.

"Do you think they are looking?" She asked me.

"I know they are looking" I told her.

"They are going in the wrong direction though. They have the police involved, and blaze doesn't like that. He has people leading them in the wrong direction." I sighed. "Sometimes the cops aren't very bright" I told her.

I shouldn't have told her that, it will probably upset her, but she deserves to know the truth.

"One day" I tell her.

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