Gambling like it's a life line part 1

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Silver appeared in front of everyone and said "um I forgot to add a few people so I am adding them now. They already knows what is going on." And Shorter and Cain appeared in front of them. "And also I am going to be sitting with you all so I can answer any questions you may have." She said before summoning a chair and sitting on it.

"Hey guys!" They greeted and took a seat on the bean bags near Alex.

The clip starts outside a magnificent-looking school with the words 'Hyakkaou Private Academy' written. The bell rings and a class is shown. The teacher comes inside and is followed in by Ash. He is wearing a uniform that has a red coat with a black outline and black trousers. The teacher walks to the board and writes something in Japanese on the board.

"What is written on the board?" Max asks

"It's written 'Ash Lynx' " Eiji translates

"So this AU is in japan huh" Ash says

"This is your new classmate Ash. I want one of you to give him a tour and explain the rules. Who will do it?" The teacher said. No one raised there hand for awhile. Then suddenly Someone said " I'll do it." "Thank you Shorter." Teacher replied and then turned towards Ash and said "take the seat next to Shorter, the guy with the purple mohawk."

" Looks like we both are classmates." Shorter said looking towards Ash.

"Seems like it" Ash replied

"Though it's weird for the teacher to use the first name and no horrfics" Ibe said

"Maybe they just don't like formalities" Eiji said

Ash didn't reply and just took a seat next to Shorter. "I am Shorter Wong nice to meet you." Shorter said to Ash while extending a hand towards him. Ash looked at his hand for a moment and replied "Ash lynx."

"Ash no offence but your voice is drier than my house plant." Shorter said snickering and Ash gave him a middle finger.

" So could you tell me why you transferred to this school in the second year, not to mention in the middle of the school year." Shorter asked.

"Expelled" Ash replied with a smirk.

"For what?"

"Gambling. That's why I transferred here."

"Why would he transfer to that school because he was expelled for gambling." Max asked clearly confused.

"It's probably a gambling school." Blanca said trying and failing to be helpful.

Cain looked towards Blanca with an expression looking like disappointment and said "That means a school that allows and even encourages gambling."

"Oh" Max said finally understanding.

"Looks like you already know what this place actually is. Well I am not complaining, makes my job easier. So how much do you really know?" Shorter asked.

"Just that after school students gamble here and there is some kind of student council for gambling" Ash said.

"You know quite a lot. The students gamble here after school, during free periods and at lunch. The student council consists of gambling gods that run a fund which lends loans to students that are in debt. The 100 students that are in the most loan or debt become house pets. You absolutely do not want to become them because then your technically a public slave less than human. The only perk you get is the power to challange a student council member."

Ash didn't seem interested while the whole conversation but his attention suddenly perked at the last line. Shorter looked like he noticed that but didn't say anything.

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