Chapter 3

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-3rd POV-

"Let go of me dumbass! I have demons to go fight!" A loud voice of a female said throughout the house, which perked up a few people's ears.

"(Y/n)-chan! Who's going to protect me from the demons?! I need you here!!" Shinichiro's voice exclaimed, clinging to the girl.

"I'll be back by sunset!" The girl said.

Mikey and Emma gone upstairs and saw their older brother, who was hugging her leg as she used the other one to walk forward.

"Oi! Let go of her! She did say that she would be back!" The blond girl said.

"Good idea!" The blond male said, going over and hugging the girl's waist, adding more weight.

(Y/n) let out a yell and headbutted the two, which made them let go of her, "I'll be back!" She said, and ran out the door.

The two males groaned in pain and rubbed their heads.

Emma laughed, "You both deserved it!"


The boar masked girl ran across the rooftops trying to locate the demon, and sighed, "Where the hell is that thing?!" She yelled, before closing her eyes and sending everything around her, trying to find a disturbance.

She heard a loud noise coming from her right and she ran in that direction.

Once there, she noticed two males looking at the demon in disgust as they ate a person, she couldn't see them well since the alleyway was a bit dark from the sun hitting the opposite wall.

The demon looked at the two males and grinned, "Have you come to become my dessert?" It questioned, and lunged at the two, which made them dodge.

The girl grabbed her blades and jumped down, "Beast Breathing Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite." She said, as a simultaneous decapitation with her two swords from both directions, successfully cutting the demon's head.

"A Demon Slayer?!" The thing said, as it started to disintegrated, "Don't worry, soon you'll die too." It said, before disappearing.

"Damn thing." The girl mumbled, about to head off, but was held back.

"My, my. What a cute thing you are~ Well, with the exception of the boar head of course." One of the males said.

The girl looked at them, and saw a tall and lanky teenager. His long hair is styled into pigtail braids. The roots and end sections of his hair are dark, while the midsection and very ends are blonde. The male also was wearing earrings. Finally, he was wearing a loose-fitting sweatshirt with pants.

"The hell you want, Rapunzel." The girl asked, but came out as a statement.

"Pfft." The other male snorted, but covered his mouth when he saw the long haired male glare at him. The male walked up and the girl could see that he had blond hair with light blue streaks and wearing glasses. He was slightly shorter than the other male, but was still fairly tall.

The braided male pouted slightly, "And quite the foul mouth on you."

"Well, what do you expect? She seems like the wild type."

The girl tugged her hand back, "Let go of me, dumbass. I have to head back." She said, starting to walk away.

"Aw, but I wanted to get to know you more. You look interesting. How about some food?"

The girl walked back towards them, "Deal. Now let's go. Queen (Y/n) has no idea where the hell we going!"

The male chuckled, "I like you already. Oh, and before we go, let's introduce ourselves." He said, and put a hand on his chest, "I'm Haitani Ran."

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