Chapter 6

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-3rd POV-

After the whole ordeal with his now old job that he got fired from, Takemichi walked out and bumped into someone.

"I-I'm sorry!" He said, looking up and was shocked to see the burgundy haired male.

Tanjiro looked at him, but his eyes showed pain, as he was still mourning for the pass of his comrade and friend, then he started to walk away, "It's fine..." He mumbled.

"W-Wait! You're Kamado Tanjiro, right? I-I knew Hashibira-san!" Takemichi said, making the male halt on his steps.

"Was she happy...?" He said, dully.


"Was she happy...with Toman...?"

The black haired male smiled a bit, "Yeah...She would always be bothered by Mikey-kun and Draken-kun to hang out, though...But she was always happy...Even though she had her loud outbursts at times..."

This made Tanjiro's blood boil and a vein pop up on his forehead, "If demons didn't exist, this wouldn't have happened..." He looked at him as tears welled up in his eyes, "Muzan was the cause of this! He's the reason we lost so many friends..." His voice cracked at the end, reminiscing the missions.

Takemichi looked at him with a determined look, "Kamado-san...I'll save your friend..."

"She's gone."

'Naoto...I have to tell him...' He thought, before speaking out loud, "Meet me here!" He said, giving him the address of Naoto's apartment and explaining everything.


Later at night, they appeared in front of the male's apartment, who was looking at Takemichi with a small glare.

"N-Naoto! I'm sorry but I had to tell him! Kamado-san can help."

Tanjiro nodded, "If what he's saying is true, then I want to help get (Y/n)-chan back. She meant the world to us...She may have been very violent at times but she had a good heart."

Naoto looked at the male and sweatdropped, 'Violent?  She was calm when we saw her. I wonder if she fought anyone that came her way...' He thought, before shaking his head slightly, "Right. Come in." He said, moving aside and letting them in.

"Say, Naoto...Maybe I can tell the past Hina and Hashibira-san about their future? Just like I did with you—" Takemichi said.

"Absolutely not. Takemichi-kun, are you trying to take the easy way out?"

"No, that's not...I'm not trying to take the easy way out because life is hard right now or anything."

"What if my sister ends up thinking you're crazy and disliking you? Or Hashibira-san not believing in you." He said, shocking the male, "No one would believe this under ordinary circumstances, just like Kamado-san here. How stupid are you?"

The said male looked at them, "Ano...(Y/n)-chan may be a bit on the unintelligent side, but she's smart when reading the mood in any conversation. She's observant. There is a possibility that she might believe him." He said.

"Hm...We can try, but there is a chance she might ignore him."

"Yeah..." Tanjiro mumbled, before looking at the white board as his eyes landed on the picture of the familiar blond, 'Mikey...'

Naoto turned to Takemichi, "I just happened to believe you because I was into occult stuff back then."

"Yeah, you were pretty sharp. Wait, did you just call me stupid?"

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