Chapter 17

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-3rd POV-

"We're at the beach, bitches!" Draken said, as he rode his bike.

Following behind were the rest of Toman.

"Oh, shit! This feels awesome!" Baji said.

"The ocean breeze rocks!" Kazutora said.

(Y/n) laughed, holding on to her head piece, "Go faster dumbass!" She exclaimed, as she was with Kazutora.

"I agree, go faster." Pah-chin said, as he held the Toman flag and rode with Mitsuya.

"The hell am I supposed to do? He's too damn slow." The lilac haired male said.

From way behind was Mikey driving a moped, and soon the others stopped then looked back.

"Mikey!/Monjiro!" They all said.

Once the said male caught up, they all stopped to the side.

"Dude, Mikey. How long are you gonna rock that moped? You're our commander. Switch it out for an actual bike already." Draken said.

"It's fine. You shittin' on my ride? My CB250T 50cc Model...Street Hawk!" Mikey said.

"Street Hawk, my ass. It's just a damn moped. You can't even rev it."

"Some idiots try to and just end up taking off." Mitsuya said, having his hands behind his head.

"That sounds like Mikey." Pah-chin said.

"Not that it would matter, since he's slow as shit." Kazutora said, making the commander have an irk mark and brow to twitch.

"I agree with Kazuno! You're so slow, Mojito." The masked girl said.

"I know you don't wanna ride anything but a CB250T, but there's no one older here to let you borrow one, so what're you gonna do?" The dragon tattooed male said.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" A male voice cut in, making them look, "Seriously? Look at those widdle babies wearing them gang jackets." A male with a blond pompadour said.

"Tokyo Manji Gang? Never heard of ya."

"Where the hell did you wash up from? If you little shits wanna play pretend, do that back home. Get the hell outta Yokohama." A male with black hair said.

"Well...Since we met here and all..." The blond male said, heading towards them with a bat, "I'll go ahead and scrap that li'l moped of yours. I'm sure you don't need it."

"Lay one finger on my precious Street Hawk, and I'll kill you." Mikey said, which made the male stare at him before, turning back.

"Well, whatever." He said, and got on the bike, "We're gonna crush you the next time we see you round these parts!"

"We'll torch all your bikes, too."

"Go home and study!"

They laughed as they drove off.

Baji looked at the short blond, "What do you wanna do? Wanna murder them?"

Kazutora smiled at the male's suggestion, "Nice! We could end them instantly with those numbers."

"Yeah! Let's smash their faces in!" (Y/n) grinned under her mask.

"Don't. They already left." Mitsuya said.

"I'm stupid, so I don't care what we do." Pah-chin said.

"This is all your fault for riding a moped, Mikey." Draken said.

"For sure!" The others said in unison before laughing.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Mikey said.

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