Chapter 9

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-3rd POV-

"You assholes..." Takemichi said, with a very pissed off look, "Cut the shit!"

"What?" Mikey and Draken said in unison.

(Y/n) on the other hand was just laughing, and holding her stomach, "He's gonna get himself killed! Ha! Farewell, my minion!"

"Takemichi's pissed." Akkun said.

"Oh, shit." Takuya said.

"My precious memories..."

Makoto and Yamagishi saluted while crying, "Farewell, Takemichi."

"You just ruined all of them!"

The two were surprised by Takemichi being angry.

"When did this happen?" Draken said.

The furious male then ran at Mikey, "Don't give me that shit!" He exclaimed, punching but the male would dodge. He landed on a large pile of trash bags.

"You okay, Takemitchy?" The short blond said.

"Takemeni?" The boat masked girl said.

The said male then burst up, "Shut up!" He yelled, as he then walked to them, "You could give a rat's ass about my memories, huh?!"

"Okay, calm down, dude." The taller male said.

Takemichi grabbed the male's jacket, "Calm down?! Piss off! You're the ones that went all crazy!" He then pointed at (Y/n), "And you just stood there laughing without helping!"

"Takemichi!" Akkun exclaimed, as he got downstairs.

"Takemichi!" Takuya yelled, as the two ran forward.

"Takemichi, don't! Do you have a death wish?!" He said, holding him back.

"Shut up! Let go of me! You don't give a shit about what happens to those around you, do you?!"

"Sorry, man. We didn't mean to hurt you." Draken said, putting a hand up.

"You don't even know I exist, do you?!"

"Takemichi, stop!"

"You don't care...And that's why you're fighting." The blond said, not struggling anymore.

"Takemichi..." Akkun said, letting him go, as he dropped to his knees.

The said blond felt tears, "You don't...You don't realize how much trouble you cause for people around you when you two fight, do you?" He said as tears fell, "Just..." He then looked up at them, "All the people who looked up to you two end up fighting, too! This isn't just your problem! You're gonna split Toman apart! That's just too sad! I don't want that to happen! I can't bear to watch it! You guys are just so cool, and..." He said as he wiped his tears, but more kept coming.

"Takemitchy..." Mikey began.

"Whatever. Just go home."

"You know, this whole time...You've had a turd in your hair."

The blond stopped crying and looked up, "What?! What the shit?!" He exclaimed, getting the turd off his hair.

"That's hella gross, Takemitchy!" Draken said, laughing.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"You were just so serious!" Mikey said.

"Serious?! That's because you two-" The blond was then cut off by someone's laugh.

They all turned to (Y/n), who was laughing under her mask, "Takemochi is considered shit now!"

The said male pouted slightly.

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