Chapter 2

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♥ "It's stupid to talk about things you're not. Be yourself and you'll be fine." – Nara Shikamaru (Naruto) ♥


Friends are supposed to be our family... the people we love are supposed to love us back unconditionally, yet no matter what, in the end those are the monsters under our bed. 


Sakura's POV 

Unknown: Sakura? 

That voice... 

I know that voice... it's him... Sai 

Why is he here?

Sakura: (Nervous) S-Sai? 

I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face... I hated myself for not knowing that my own best friends despised me. I should've seen the signs. 

And the last person I wanted to see me cry was Sai... 

Sai: (Concerned) Why are you crying Sakura? Come here... talk to me. Did something happen? 

His warm hands gently wrapped around my cold shoulders in the form of a hug. Sai was really a nice guy... he's always been there for me even if it wasn't the right way, but he was always saving me and caring about me. 

I feel like I could hug him forever. 

Sakura: My friends all hate me Sai... 

Sai: What? But you're the best person I know... There's no way they could hate you.. I don't hate you

Sakura: They all hate me because I ruined their relationships... I DIDN'T KNOW that Naruto was still in love with me... he kept hurting Hinata and I couldn't even notice it, let alone feel it. I DIDN'T KNOW that Shikamaru and Ino broke up because he wanted to try dating me... I didn't know Sai... all of this is my fault. I feel like everything I worked so hard for, just got instantly taken from me. 

Sai: None of this is your fault... if it's anyone's fault it's Naruto's, Shikamaru's, Hinata's and Ino's fault for throwing you in the middle without you knowing. Everything will play out soon enough, you didn't lose anything worth those tears beautiful. 

He tighten his grip around me and I'm lying if I didn't say that it felt safe around his arms and I didn't want him to let me go... not now. 

My body was calling for him. 

Sakura: It's n-not my f-fault? R-Really? A-Are you sure? I just want to know the truth. 

Sai: Ah Sakura, calm down and breathe before you talk... you're too kind to be crying like this. Those people don't deserve someone like you. 

His pale fingers caressed the side of my face as he wiped my tears away... he's so kind to me

Sai was being very gentle with me and at that moment I loved him for it, he was the only person that came to mind... because not even Sasuke would do this for me. 

I gazed as his beautiful eyes before I leaned into his pink lips and kissed him. He reacted shocked at first, but eventually kissed me first. This was the first time that I felt someone's love radiating off them by a simple kiss. 

The way our tongues danced together, felt as if we were always supposed to dance this song. 

Sai: Sa-Sakura... I can't... you're not yourself right now and if we're going to kiss, I want to kiss you for real...  a real kiss where you aren't crying and in pain. I want to kiss you when we're on a date and everything is right. Don't be angry with me, but I couldn't live with myself if I took advantage of you in this situation. 

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