Chapter 4

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♥ "Whatever you do, enjoy it to the fullest. That is the secret of life." – Rider (Fate Zero) ♥ 


Sakura's POV

He's such an idiot... kissing me like that out of no where.


Who does he think he is? 

Stupid Sasuke... but is it wrong that my heart keeps beating out of my chest. 

I can't go through this again... I'm with Sai now and I shouldn't and won't care about him anymore... nothing good ever comes out of that. 

But the redness in my cheeks... 

the sweat on my palms... 

the way my lips are craving his taste again... 

it's all too much right now. 


I've loved Sasuke Uchiha for years and he never noticed, no more like he never cared. I just wanted him to be happy whether that was with me or with someone else... instead he tried to kill me twice. I know I shouldn't care and I know I look and sound stupid, but how can I just not care about him anymore? He was my whole world since I was five. Sometimes all I think about is you... I just can't tell what was real with him. Maybe I was just an extra in his life because the only person he truly saw was Naruto and apparently Karin. I just want the truth from him... I just want to know why he did what he did to me that night. Maybe one day I'll find out... until then I'll be okay. 


I don't even remember how I got to my house... 

Last night was such a blur that I don't remember coming home or changing because of what happened last night. 

I don't think I can face Sai right now, I feel this guilt.... as if I cheated on him 

And to top it off everyone still hates me... Should I tell Karin?

Well to be honest she can burn in hell for all I care, but she's one of the last Uzumaki's left... I know Naruto feels strongly about her especially since he found out about "Pain" or well Nagato, and well he's MIA. 

*Knock Knock* 

I wonder who that could be... it's not like I have friends right now. 

God maybe it's them coming here to ruin my li- 

Sai: Good morning beautiful, don't you look absolutely lovely this morning!  

B-Beautiful???? AHHHH my face is all red now... 


Yet the guilt was slowly suffocating me. 

Sakura: Good morning Sai-kun 

Sai: I know it's a bit early but do you want to get some breakfast together? I'll p-pay of course and if you want we can c-call it a date... 

Sakura: R-Really? A d-date? W-With me? 

Sai: Of course silly! Plus I figured you needed something good especially with what happened. And I'd be more than happy to give you that. 

Sakura: Okay! Give me 15 minutes to get ready so sit on the couch and wait for me! Sai you're super awesome! 

As Sai nodded, I slowly, but anxiously walked to my room to get my clothes and change... my heart is beating so fast right now... I never thought Sai could make me feel this way. It feels nice to have someone like Sai by my side... I wonder how it would be with Sasuke...

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