Chapter 8

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Sakura's POV 

As time passed, Hinata stopped trying to destroy my life and we had a semi-decent conversation and she apologized, but I couldn't forgive her. 

So we're not friends, but we're not enemies anymore either... 

Everyone seemed to be happy and at peace now. 

Temari and Shikamaru finally got back together and now they're the happiest they've ever been! We were all waiting for this, so I'm truly happy that she decided to give him another chance. 

Ino and Sai are set to get married later on this year, I never expected them to fall this deep in love with each other and I'm glad Sai and I didn't date because now I get to walk my best friend down the aisle and be her maid of honor. 

Choji and Karui are married and plan to have a little one soon, but they're waiting for the rest of us because we want to have our kids together and group together like we did. 

Shino actually is dating some girl from the mist, we haven't met her yet, but he spends more time over there then over here. 

Naruto is dating Kurotsuchi, the current Tsuchikage, it was a shock to all of us, but he could never recover from what Hinata did to him. So, in the end he was really in love with her because if he wasn't it wouldn't hurt this bad. 

Kiba and Hinata ended their relationship after he explained that Hinata said she would get me to notice him. He rejoined the group, but he and I don't talk much. Sasuke hates his guts. 

Neji and Tenten are in there own little world, happy and in love. I've never wished to be a couple so bad. I just know he truly loves her. 

Karin and Suigetsu are traveling to the Waterfall Village for their honeymoon. I'm glad they decided to take their relationship seriously and now they're deeply in love and married. The Uzumaki clan might finally be able to come back slowly. 

Hinata is married to Toneri, he's a part of Kaguya's people, but he lived on the moon or something like that so she lives with him now. We attended the wedding, but she didn't have any close friends, but she looked happy to be marrying him. 

And lastly Sasuke and I are the happiest we've been, we're always going on dates, having sex, and always talking about our future life. I'm so in love with him that I'm truly glad I decided to give him the chance to win me over again. 


Sasuke: Hey baby, what are you writing now? 

Sakura: I'm just writing down our lives, so our future daughter or son can read our love. 

He gently patted the top of my head and kissed my forehead. 

Sasuke: Hey, let's have a kid 


Sakura: *blushing* A-Already? W-We're not even married yet... 

Sasuke gently smiled at me and got on one leg... 

Sasuke: Sakura Haruno, I have never loved anyone more than I love you, you are the most precious person to me and I will love you even after death. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and more. I'm so grateful to have you in my life and I couldn't wish for a happier relationship. These past 2 years have been the best time of my life and I can't wait to experience more things with you for the rest of my life. So, Sakura Haruno will you make me the luckiest Uchiha in the world and bare the Uchiha crest with me? 

I couldn't hold back the tears and I sobbed to my hearts content. 

I was so happy that I couldn't even talk. 

Sakura: *crying* I-I lo-love y-you too and ye-yes I w-will bare the Uch-Uchiha crest with you 

He instantly placed his lips on mines and I instantly knew that this is what happiness was all about.  

We ravaged each other all day long feeling at peace and content with one another and no one and I MEAN NO ONE was just as emotionally connected like Sasuke and I. 


*5 years later* 

Sarada's POV 

HI, I'm Sarada Uchiha named after my late uncle Itachi Uchiha and I am Sakura's and Sasuke's child. 

I love my little life and I love all my friends. 

My bestfriend is ChoCho, she's the daughter of Choji and Karui. She's the cutest girl I know and I'm glad to have her as my best friend. 

Then there's Inojin, he's Ino and Sai's kid. Honestly he's super nice and beautiful to look at, but his dad reminds me of papa. I can see why mama thought Sai was handsome. 

Tenji is Tenten and Neji's kid, he's really intellectual and good with all kinds of weapons,  but he's the mysterious "every girl wants him" type. Kind of like my daddy when we was in the academy. 

My second best friend is Mitsuki, he's Orochi-something kid. He was artifically made, but he's the coolest snake I know! 

Oh! Then there's Boruko, he's the kid of the 7th Hokage Naruto and his wife the ex-tsuchikage. They're a power couple of sure, but my mama and papa are stronger. 

Oh and then there's Tonata, he's Hinata's and Toneri's kid, they visit sometimes so Hinata can see her sister, but her daughter is pretty nice for the most part. 

And my least favorite person is Suiarin, she's Karin Uzumaki and Suigetsu Uzumaki's kid. She's such a bully, but according to mama it's natural we're enemies since Karin and mama were once fighting for papa's love. 


Sasuke's POV

In the end, I'm happy with my life. I have a wonderful kid with another one on the way, I have an amazing wife who loves me unconditionally. And my best friend is the 7th Hokage, life is pretty good. 

Sasuke: Sakura come here 

She quickly ran to me with a glow on her face and her beautiful baby bump 

Sakura: Yes anata 

Sasuke: Arigatou 

and poked her forehead as the blood flowed to her cheeks. 

But I think we both got deja vu when I poke dher forehead... 7 years ago I poked her forehead and told her to wait for me, but I ended up hurting her, but now we're in love and happy. 

Thank you Sakura Uchiha. 

I love you 


I love Sarada 


I love Shiachi

More than anything in the world... 

I hope you guys liked this last chapter! I know it was a bit rushed, but just know I tried really hard. If you guys want anything added to make the ending better please let me know and I'll add it.  

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