Of All the Fucked Up Shit

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***Alexei's POV***

"I know, Sebastian. It's not what we hoped. We just have to get through it." I huff out a breath of irritation. I get it. Seb is tired of being in a damned bed. Well, I am tired of hearing him tell me about it.

"You aren't being held prisoner!" Sebastian throws a glare in my direction. Well, I can tell him where to take that look and shove it.

"Sort of am. I am a prisoner to loving and caring about you, fucker." I dart my eyes to the side, happy to see Seb shake his head. I am glad I can amuse him momentarily.

"I love you. I am sorry." Seb turns away from me, tucking his hand beneath the pillow where his head lays. I walk over to him grabbing the thin blanket to cover him up. I hate that my best friend is laid up in this bed while I have no control over how things are developing.

A nurse walks through the door quietly. She sends me a soft look of patience and compassion. I give a small smile and move my eyes down to Sebastian to let the medical attendant know that he is awake.

"Mr. Royals?" The nurse steps in front of  Sebastian before grabbing the stethoscope from the IV stand beside his bed.

"The one and only." Seb rolls his eyes dramatically while shifting onto his back.

"How are we feeling today?" Sandy, the nurse, looks at Sebastian. I cringe.

"Don't know about you but, I feel wonderful. Let me get up and I will show you how great I am as I leave this fucking place." Seb snarls towards me when I huff in disapproval. This man needs a god damned drug to knock him out.

"I guess that is an awful question. I apologize. This is my final wave of rotations and I still haven't come up with a better ice breaker." Sandy curls her hand around Sebastian's wrist to check his pulse manually.

"At least you are honest." I can see regret come over Sebastian. He is being unusually cruel.

"The doctor will be in shortly. I would offer you food but, I am unable to do so. The best I can give you is some ice chips. Would you like me to bring you some?" Sandy begins walking away as she makes her peace offering.

"Only if they are made of vodka." Seb smiles briefly when Sandy lets out a small giggle.

"Dr. Kabul is on his way. I will come back to check on you later. The game is on tonight, don't forget to set a reminder." Sandy walks back out of the door with a small skip in her step. I feel bad for her if that was an attempt at flirting. This is the wrong room to look for bachelors. We are quite uninterested in mountains and way more turned on by valleys. Even the large mounds on her chest aren't going to win her any points in here.

"She wasn't flirting." Seb tosses a pillow in my direction.

"I wasn't thinking that." I hate that Sebastian knows me so well.

"Yeah, you were. Jesus, be a little less conspicuous." Sebastian readjusts himself in his bed. I know he is ready for Dr. Kabul to come in. We want answers. We need answers.

Staring out of the picture window, my stiff joints remind me of how long this has been going on. Two weeks have passed since the moment our world's shifted from the sounds of cameras clicking to the tapping of feet across the marble floors of this hospital. Every test leads to another then another and so on. It is endless.

The anxiety of fear is palpable. Sebastian is literally biding his time waiting for the rest of his life. Every test brings relief and questions. So far, it is not Multiple Sclerosis. We are in the clear for anything cardiovascular and most cancers have been checked off. All of his organs seem to be performing correctly and his brain shows no signs of disease. The doctor narrowed it all down to blood work. I did not think that one person was capable of producing so many samples. Sebastian has been poked, prodded and analyzed just like the lab rat who will have sacrificed himself unwillingly to bring us the cure. Whatever that cure may be will rely on an official diagnosis.

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