It Begins...

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***Gavin's POV***

Saying goodbye to Sebastian and everyone else, I have been introduced to, was hard. It is odd how quickly the pieces move on the chessboard. One day you feel like a lonely pawn. The next, you are the queen. If you know me, I prefer being the queen. I am learning to release some people, while anticipating latching on to others. It is just the way life goes.

"So, one more day." Steph smiles at me. I see the water building in the wells beneath her blue eyes.

"That's the plan." I whisper softly while looking around the nurse's changing room. It has been a long summer. At the end, it was worth the experience. I have learned so much. I have treasured the time with these nurses who have become friends. I fully intend to stay in touch. Intentions are beautiful. The real work will be in the effort I put forward to reach out.

"I am going to miss you." Steph brings me in for a hug. I wanted this day for so many reasons. I still do. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, just a little. Stephanie has been wonderful. Her gossip, late night chill sessions and impeccable taste in couture will be missed, always. I will make a point to keep in touch with her.

"So, how is it with Mr. Manager." Steph bounces back from the pain of departure to walk right into my new favorite subject, daddy.

"Dry." I sigh dramatically over at my favorite nurse.

"You two haven't?" Steph gives me a look of pure atrocity. Her fingers form a dick and hole as she pounds her hands together. I roll my eyes. She's so fucking gross. I love her.

"We haven't kissed much, honestly. I feel like maybe Alexei is being a bit careful. I get it. I just don't want to be patient." I shrug my shoulders in false dismissal. Honestly, he is pissing me off. What's a guy gotta do to get a little dick. Well, it's a big dick, huge. I mean, he has worn sweatpants in front of me. He's going to split me in half. I can't wait.

"I know you are holding back. You should just seduce him. Remember, what was his name?" Steph taps her head with her index finger before snapping loudly into the air. "Justin!" The wicked gleam on her face reminds me.

"Oh yeah, Justin." I can't help but smirk. That was fun. The first week I was here, I had a fling with a bouncer. He was a tough nut to crack, in every way. Justin played hard to get. I played harder. By week two, I had that man crawling on his hands and knees. The things I did with my mouth would make a prostitute blush. Fun times.

"So, just get him there, leave him hanging. He will be begging to fill whatever hole you want." Stephanie wraps it all up Christmas style. I have to admit, I like the way she thinks.

Looking up to the ceiling, I roll my eyes. She is so vulgar. She's my people. I notice the clock and start grabbing the rest of my belongings from my locker. Goodbye to you, old friend.

"You have to leave?" Steph grabs my hips to pull me in for a hug. I can't even get my arms around her before she is wrapped around me. I kiss her head and run soothing circles over her back.

"I love you." I whisper in consolation.

"I love you, too. Text, call, FaceTime. Promise not to forget me." Stephanie pulls away as she brushes one of my curls away from my forehead.

"Never. Friends no matter what." I put my pinky into the air, curling the finger over in order to signal my promise.

Stephanie links pinkies. We both kiss our knuckles before letting go with a little wave from all of our fingers. Distance may separate us, but we will always be close.

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