Chapter Ten - Their Beginning

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I made my way upstairs, my breath was shaking, even though I was resolute in my future actions. My nerves were on edge. I knocked on his door then entered.

"What is it?" he asked as I made my way over to him.

"My dress it unfastens down the back." I answer and turn around. He would ether send me to Demelza or do it himself, I would have an answer. I heard him stand and felt him untie the ribbon of the dress. my breath quicker as I felt his on the nape of my neck.

"You know what people say about us." he whispered, his word sent a shiver down my spine. I had been told of the rumours going around.

"Yes." I breathed

"If we behave like this, it will be true." he replied

"Then let it be true." One hand slipped into the dress while the other moved the strays of my hair out of the way. I turned around and we kissed again.


I woke before Ross the next morning. I slipped out of the bed and stepped back into the dress and left his room. I entered to the one I shared with Demelza.  Who was getting ready for the day.

"You were not there when I woke. I fear something was...." she stopped mid sentence "Why are you...." her jaw dropped

"Not a word." I pointed at her

"You and Mr Ross, you and he...."she grabbed my arms "I personally have never experienced it but my gut tells me." I step away and change for the day "You did, didn't  you." she covered her mouth. I fixed my dress and my hair.

"I will be back, later. i will have Garrick with me." I left without going into anything and took Garrick with me. the two of us laid silently in the field of wild flowers. That was till I heard Jud and Ross talking. I kept my head down as I watched him work, for a moment then laid back down. picking at the flower around me making a crown as I smiled slightly. then collected some before heading back to the house. My intention was to put the flowers I had collected in some water. I entered the parlour and stopped short.

"I beg your pardon." Elizabeth was there with Ross. Ross was refusing to even glance in my direction. "Is there anything I can get you?" I cleared my throat the tension in here was ripe.

"Prudie served us. Her arm seems recovered." Ross answered still refusing to even spare me a glance, that small action cut me like a knife in a brawl fight.

"Of course." I said "I will just put these flowers in some water." I went to grab a small jug

"Those are lovely Abigail."

"Would you like them?" i ask awkwardly

"Oh no thank you. But they won't last see they're fading already, cornflowers are like that remember." I stood silently holding them closer "I must go." she stood to leave

"I will see you out." I looked to Ross but not once did he look at me. I slammed the flowers on the table and went down to the beach. I was sad and hurt, and like always when I was sad and hurt. I ran away. I grabbed my things and left a note for Demelza, then left

I was making my way to the cross roads, there I would make my decision on which way I would go. Where would my journey take me this time?

"You are with me for two years." I stop and turn to Ross. "What do you mean by running away?"

"I'm good at that, haven't you heard." I shrug holding my arms out. The flight of a situation had become second nature of self preservation.

"Haven't you been we'll treated? Aren't you used to the house and your tasks? And my moods?" he questioned coming to a halt.


"Do you not give me what I want before I ask?"  he continued to question though I failed to understand what the point of it was.

"I do, but I thought after what happened..." I trailed off feeling silly. I should have known better. I was raised to know better. With men you should never assume anything. Not every man was like my father with his love for my mother but his duty to the harpy.

"You thought you would no longer be my maid." he finished

"Not by choice. We have known each other for years, you have brought me from the brink of some many bad situations, I have been there for you as well and I thought that..." I trailed off looking at the direction I was heading towards.

"You're right, you can no longer be my maid."


Ross and I stood at the alter, before the reverend. Only Demelza, Prudie and Judd were in attendance. When I though of moving forward in whatever I had started with Ross, this is not where I thought it was heading.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Ross Vennor Poldark do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?" i glanced up at him for a moment then back. But I felt his eyes on me and I returned the gaze.

"I do." he answered

"Abigail Mary Chynoweth do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?" I was asked, I glanced back at Demelza who gave me a small smile and nod, turning back I gave my answer.

"I do."

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