Chapter Twenty One - Trenwith Poldark Problems

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Spaced on the fact it was double upload week so here is the expect extra chapter.

I looked through various roles of fabric as I waited on Captain Blamey to make his appearance. He was late to arrive and Verity was becoming jittery.

"Could you manage without me while I visit the chandler?" she wondered

"Oh please, help me choose. There are so many and I feel out of practice." I pleaded with her. She came over and looked at the samples "What about this one? Or this one maybe?" she lifted up the blue. Then the door to the shop opened.

"Miss Verity." well it was about time he showed up. I pretended to pay not mind as Verity turned around first. I then copied her action and turned to face the Captain. "For so long I never dared to hope, but a chance such as this...." Verity cut him off

"Captain Blamey may I introduce my cousin. Mistress Abigail Poldark. Ross' wife." he glanced at me

"I'm honoured ma'am." he bowed his head slightly

"I too, sir." I replied

"May I beg the pleasure of your company for a cordial or coffee?" the Captain inquired and I turned to Verity.

"That would be..."

"No." she denied "Thank you sir, we cannot. No good can come of it. I bid you good day." Verity rushed out leaving the two of us

"I'm sorry." I whispered then followed after her.  I managed to catch her up as she speak though the street and back to where we had kept our horses.

"Verity! Would it have been that bad to have heard him out?" I ask following her she turned back slightly

"Nothing good would have come of it. He can have nothing to say that I wish to hear." she cried

"Nothing?" I then heard shouting crowd and Verity's face dropped as she looked behind me. I turned and saw an angry mob of minors charing our way.

"Miners" I pulled her into my embrace as he huddled together and the stormed past us. I felt a hand on my arm and looked up. The Captain was there and he pulled us to the side and out of the way. Captain Blamey tried to speak to her but she ran off to the other side. I stayed where I was as a riot broke out and the theft of grain. Things got more heated and I ran over.

"We need to leave, it's not safe." The three of us left. Captain Blamey promise Verity they would be together before he took his leave. Not long after Ross returned and the three of us headed home.

"For the life of me i couldn't chose between the pink, blue or red so I ended up coming away with none. I can't remember when I became so picky with my clothing." I ranted to my husband as Verity rode in front of us

"I'm sorry you had a wasted journey. Did you hear anything of the riots?" he wondered

"No, though I'm not surprised. It is a matter of survival and I would never blame them. Verity, you surely  must join me next week, can you spare the time?" I ask setting up another reason for the two to meet.

"I can." she agreed

"And what about the party was it as dull as I would have imagined?" I question

"Duller" he answered. Verity left us on the path back to Trenwith and I was met with two very hungry sons. I nursed them both and soon the fell back asleep in Ross and mine arms.

"I don't imagine that's the end of the unrest." Ross commented and I hummed in agreement.

"It baffles me that we still didn't notice anything. The two of us had so much to talk about." I smile stroking Henry's nose and it twitted anytime I did.

"Verity seemed in high spirits."

"She did" I agreed "I'm am happy. She more than anyone deserves to be content."

"She should make the most of it." he retorted

"What makes you say that?" I wondered in confusion. It was an odd thing to say about his cousin.

"Because everything is about to change. And not for the better." He answered Francis tried to recoup his losses and bet the mine on a game of cards. He lost." I sat forward hearing the news

"What does this mean then?"

"For Francis? Loss of income, Loss of Pride, Loss of family inheritance . For Verity and Elizabeth? A sharp decline in their standard of living. For the Warleggan's. A chance to tighten their stranglehold by closing down a rival mine. And for the poor souls that work there unimaginable hardship. And all because one man was weak and others were greedy." he answered

"So often I've been envious of my sister."


"Why did you envy Francis?" I retorted softly


The next day Ross and I walked to Grambler and watched as Francis closed the mine.

"My friends this has been a Poldark mine for over 200 years. Generations of all our families have worked here together. It was my dearest wish that my own son would take it up. But time and circumstance have ruined that hope. It maybe that we shall all meet here again to see her resurrection. But for the present..." he trailed off then took out his watch "It is now 12 noon." he put the watch away and rang the bell for the last time.He then wrote reasurgem before leaving in haste.

Verity followed and then Elizabeth. Ross followed her and I trailed behind and caught up with them. Dr Enys made his way past us as I looked out onto the horizon.I heard many of the women call out for him.

"He'll need to watch his step." Ross stated about his friend.

"He's young..and handsome. Defiantly handsome." I smirked as I hair flickered and blew in the breeze.

"And green."

"And free. Does one envy him?" I grin

"Sometimes" he jested "You're right, the world is a harder place now, thanks to Jonathan and Henry. Stakes are higher, losses more painful. Yet i would not change places with him. My life is more precious for being less certain. And richer for being poorer."

"I shall rise again. Even when it seems impossible, it can be the truth. I know that more than anyone. Shall we." he nodded and we turned to return home.

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