Chapter Twelve - His Wife

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Ross was making ready to leave, I caught him before he left because he had some important documents that he had forgotten. I tucked them into his satchel as he finished up readying his horse.

"So, this shareholders meeting." I begin

"Not, a prospect I relish. We're no closer to copper, so i must appeal for further investment if we're to keep blasting." he replied mounting his horse.

"But surely you've established a friendship." I look up at him as I stepped back slightly.

"A relationship I'm sure they're reconsidering." he rode of without another word and I shook my head, going back inside.


Demelza and I was chopping turnips when Ross returned. I glanced back at him, momentarily stopping what I was doing.

"Did you get the candles and twine and the muslin for the cheese?" I question as he closes the door behind him. He placed a package in front of me.

"Open it." he says. I take it and do so. A book, quill and ink with some ribbon.

" A book for you, I remember that you used to be fond of writing down your thoughts. Maybe you could start it again. And new ribbon to tie up the hair you are forever pushing away." He poured himself a glass of rum.

"I cannot believe you remembered." I breath. It had been so long since I had journaled, my father had thought it a good idea and I stopped not long after he passed.

"Demelza, I wrote to your father, and told him your duty lay here with your new mistress." Ross turned to my friend, who gave him a bright smile.

"Thank ye, sir." she nodded her head to him "Though it will vex him more I am not to return home, Abigail's sight with a scythe might have scare him off." I laughed in response.

"Good." I added

"Abigail, you have yet to make an official visit to the mine." Ross turned his attention back to me. I shuffled in my seat, being a upper class lady came with many things, lessons and ways I was slowly returning to, but to add to that was duties of a wife a new role that I had not been prepared for.

"I know, I am still new to all the things I should be doing. I will come tomorrow." I answer sincerely, he nodded in acceptance.



I stood with the fisherman's wives looking out to see for any sign of the pilchards that were supposed to come. They should be here for if they weren't, most people would starve through the winter.

"Captain Henshaw, you know my wife Abigail." Ross came out of the mine  and i made my way down to meet them

"A pleasure to see you, ma'am." Captain Henshaw greeted tipping his hat to me.

"You to Captain." I nodded to him with a smile "No sign of those shoals yet." i commented

"Abigail is of mining stock herself." Ross stated

"I would hardly call small conversations with my father of mining stock." I retorted lightly. "I hope you break through soon, it will be a long awaited relief. But I must be getting home, many things to do." Captain Henshaw nodded as I took Ross' arm

"We hope to see you here often, ma'am." he tilted his hat to me again, as did other workers as we left. We made our way back in silence but it wasn't for long till we arrived back and the sight we were met with was Demelza running after Jud.

"You thieving, conniving...." she tackled him to the ground. "I covered my mouth in amusement "Half a morning I laboured at that pie you lizard."

"Aren't you going to do something?" Ross asked me as I was bent over laughing at the sight.

"Wh...why?" I spluttered. He sighed and walked ahead pulling Demelza off Jud

"I think that is quite enough." I stood up calming myself down to grinning. "Abigail we're expected to visit my Uncle at Trenwith." my smile dropped.

"I can't, Uh, Demelza and I are heading to the village to hire Jinny as a new maid, in replace of me, of course." I took Demelza's arm "Give my regards." I pulled the red head away.

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