Chapter Seventeen - Arrival

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I strolled along the cliff by Nampara with Demelza slowly making our way to Wheal Leisure. The child I carried weighing heavily but I most content.

"Abigail, Demelza. My friend Doctor Dwight Enys." Ross introduced the man that was by his side. "Abigail, my wife and Demelza is our friend and maid." Demelza curtsied to him and he bowed his head to us.

"You are the one who mended his face." I chime while cradling my stomach.

"Your fame proceeds you, sir." Ross joked to his friend while nudging his shoulder.

"My infamy, you mean. Well I intend to keep my head down here. I've not wish to become notorious" Mr Enys countered

"A shame, I thought you'd be able to take the scandalous spotlight from me. Oh well." I sighed playfully. The bell started to ring and I took Ross' arm


Demelza returned to Nampara so it was just the three of us  amongst many to see a travelling theatre group perform. We met up with Verity, Francis and Elizabeth.

"A picture of conjugal  bliss." Francis commented leading  Ross away, leaving me with Elizabeth and Verity to have our own conversation.

"You look well, sister." Elizabeth smiled as I walked with her and Verity.

"A month to go and I'm already bigger than Prudie. Not that I mind at least I get a little one out of it in the end." I joked as we went to sit down.

During the performance, I began to feel warm and uncomfortable, something I had been feeling for the past few hours. I fanned my self and shifted in an attempt to ease it.

"My love?" Ross asked

"It's nothing, just an ache" I brushed it off  "I think I will stretch my legs a while, usually works." I gave him a weak smile before standing and leaving. On my way back to Nampara, Verity made it know that she was with me. I entered the kitchen, Prudie, Jinny and Demelza were preparing for dinner. The pain had become more intense I leant against the table.

"Back so early" Prudie commented and I groaned in pain. I don't think this was simple aches anymore. Demelza stopped what she was doing and took my side

"I hate to see your pain, my dear." Verity stated as i clutched onto my most trusted friend

"I hate to see yours." I replied "I could prescribe a remedy. One that lives near Truro and Captains a ship."

"I never think of him, Abigail." she lied but I was in to much pain to start that conversation.

"Demelza bring  that brandy wine." she let go of me and poured me a cup. I took it gratefully from her and drank it.

"Come, let's get you upstairs." Demelza guided me upstairs. Jinny and Prudie were already preparing as Demelza helped me undress and then got me into bed.

"Please, stay. Don't leave." I pleaded with her.

"I promise, I won't. I promise." she held onto my hand and Jinny began to guide me through it, being a mother herself. I was more along into birth that I first thought because it wasn't long until I was pushing and pushing till I heard the little cries of my child.

"It's a boy, you have a boy." Jinny laughed. I breathed a sigh of relief that she was finally here and shed a few tears as well. The door slammed open and my head lolled to the side, Ross was stood there out of breath.

"Come meet your son." I beamed but just then there was another sharp pain. "What's going on?" I questioned feeling the need to push again.

"Oh my lord there's another one." Prudie breathed

"Another one? What do you...awh." I screamed as I pushed again and felt the pain subside. what felt like another forever again, my second came out.

"Another boy." Jinny laughed "You have two boys, mistress." I groaned in exhaustion


I laid in bed that night with Ross holding Henry and I was holding Jonathan. We both stared down at our precious bundles of joy as they slept.

"How did we make something so perfect?" he asked quietly

"I am a feared, that I love them to much. That it will hurt more than anything if something should go amiss." I was not shy of the fact that child birth and raising a child was without risk. Disease  was a rampant mistress that could sneak up on you.

"I promise you. I will make the world a better place for them. I will be a better man for their sake." he vowed

"And for me?"

"I am already a better man because of you." I leaned my head in and he kissed it tenderly, at some point my eyes fell shut into deep and much needed sleep.

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