Chapter Thirty One - Actions have consequences

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The next morning, Ross  and I were sorting out each others hands. I clean his up then bandage it.

"First Jim, now Mark. My band of brothers is shrinking ." he commented sorrowfully

"At least Mark got clean away and the Captain suspected nothing. It was not all that bad of a night in the end."  I moved the bowl away

"Not what I would have said. You forgot I went to Trenwith." he replied

"I didn't forget, I just didn't mention it." I counter "Was is bad?" I question

"Suffice it to say Francis and I have broken. Possibly for good." There was a knock on the door and Ross went to answer. I sighed rubbing my forehead, then Ross came back in. "I've been called to a meeting."

"What kind of meeting?" I inquired more to question why now?

"An extraordinary one, to be called at such short notice. All partners summoned." he left and I stared out of the window as he did. A range of things went through my head in the silence till in made me restless and reckless. I grabbed my cloak."

"Where are you going?" Demelza asked

"To put Francis in his place, like I should have done in the first place." I saddled my horse and rode off. It did not take me long to arrive at Trenwith. I dismounted and entered without announcement. Francis was sat having his breakfast.

"Elizabeth is not down yet." he drawled

"I did not come to see my sister. I came to see you." i stood taller and in more defence of myself.

"Did Ross send you?" he wondered spreading some jam on his toast and taking a bite out of it.

"Why would he?"

"Because he's too craven to do it himself." he retorted

"I came here on my own volition and I came because your wrong about Ross. He hand no hand in Verity's elopement." I answered

"Well I didn't believe him. Why would I believe you?" he wondered

"I arranged it." I admitted it "I on my own passed letter between the two. I knew of the wish and plan to marry and encouraged it. I, unlike you was there for Verity and unlike you am a better judge in character. I instigated the whole thing the re meeting because only I out of everyone in this family knew what was right for her." I ranted

"I have no shame in what I did. If you see it as wrong then your a weaker man than I thought and I pity my sister."

"Get out."

"You are the one to be blamed not Ross. If you hadn't driven her to such misery and did your duty as a brother, then I wouldn't have had to step in!" I argued

"Will you leave." He banged his fists on the table and stood up "You are never to set foot in here again and neither is Ross. If he will marry such an trull as you, then he may suffer the consequences."  I glared at him one last time and took my leave.


I arrived back home and saw that Ross' horse was back in the stable. I removed the saddle and put everything back in place before heading inside. Ross was in his study when I entered.

"Did your meeting go well?" I inquired removing my gloves

"In a word, no." he answered removing his books from his bag.

"Tell me." I stepped in further

"I'd rather hear your news." he smiled sincerely as I sat down.

"I doubt that very much." I sighed removing my hood and slowly unbuttoning my cloak.

"What happened?" he asked and I hesitated "Abigail." his voice dropped

"I was mad, at Francis about how he thinks he's better than everyone else and how he things he knows everything when he doesn't. How he assumed about the whole Verity situation." I vented "I mean i love you but you were like him in the opinion of Captain Blamey, why he thought you had anything to do with it is beyond me."

"Abigail, your making no sense."

"I arranged the marriage. I've been passing letters between the two since the ball. And I told that to Francis"  i huffed dropping my hands on my lap.

"You've been passing letters between them the last three months? Tell me you're joking?" he hoped

"Does it sound like i am? Besides there's more." he sat down across from me "I was the first who taught out Captain Blamey. I wanted to understand the man that had Verity's heart, and see if he still had feelings or he was the monster you all made him out to be." I continued

"And you were able to divine that in a single meeting?" he wondered

"Not a single meeting. I brought them together and encouraged, Verity." I clarified

"What have you done."

"It's not that bad. The world has not ended because I brought together two people who love each other very much." I sighed

"No, Abigail. That is not all that you did. For months you have lied to me? Gone behind my back."

"I knew you'd be angry. It was an expected outcome to you discovering my contributions to your cousins happiness." I shrugged it off, he would eventually get over it.

"Your ignorance, your arrogance. Your utter disregard for truth and consequence." he sat back in his chair.

"All I did was give two people the same happiness that befell us." I defended myself

"oh, Abigail, do not underestimate the scale of your achievement." he glared at me

"What are you talking about?" I question

"All my investors involved in Carnemore were made bankrupt by the Warleggens. Everything we worked together to do, to achieve fairness. Gone." he told me "How did it end with Francis?" he inquired and I clicked my tongue

"Harsh words were exchanged. He kicked me out." I admitted

"Good men reduced to poverty. Their families, our family, everything we've built. Our lives together. Now do you understand?" My shoulders sagged as everything became clear. Francis told George all the names of the investors because of his belief that Ross was behind Verity's marriage.

"I betrayed you and been the cause of a greater betrayal. I've ruined everything." I stood up and moved around to his side. "Including this? Have I lost your trust" he didn't say anything.

"i have. Could I ever regain it back?"

"I don't know. I'd be lying if I said I did. You've married in to a peculiar family, Abigail. We Poldarks are hasty, sharp-tempered, strong in our likes and dislikes. In away you fit in perfectly. Perhaps yours was the most reasonable view. If two people love each other, why shouldn't they marry? And be damned to the consequences."

"I only sought  to help." i insisted

"I know that. I know you couldn't have foreseen." I knelt my his side

"Will you ever forgive me?"

"I will try." he replied and I stood

"Francis will not and you will not forgive him. I have caused a rift like always between two sides of our family." I stared out of the window.


"I am sorry." I apologised and left the room.

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