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"How can you do this to your own daughter?!"

"It's really not that big of a deal. She's fine."

All the young girl could see from inside the chamber, that she was in, were her parents yell at each other. The thick bulletproof glass made it hard for her to hear. Her hair was a mess, and she was still dress in the pajamas that her father left her in before his 6 month-long "business" trip. [Y/n]'s eyes were as wide as saucers with no focus or shine in them. She, mindlessly, pawed at the glass in attempt to make them stop, but it didn't work; it on made it worse because her father could see all the holes in her arms from injections.

The young girl didn't even know she was being experimented on. She was only doing what her mother said. All she could really remember was her father leaving, and her mother taking her down to the secret place in the basement to "play games". Before she knew it, [Y/n] was being injected with things that made her body feel weird and her blood was taken multiple times to the point where she would fall asleep. It's been like this for months.

The yelling soon stopped when [Y/n]'s father threw his hand up in frustration and stomped over to the chamber, ignoring the protest of his wife. He opened the door, but that didn't stop [Y/n] from, mindlessly, pawing at the glass. She'd thought the sound of the door was her imagination like always.

"Don't touch her! She may be unstable!" Her mother shouted at her husband.

"[Y/n]..." His voice broke as he pulled her into a strong embrace, "I'm so sorry." [Y/n] still had no reaction to his presence or his tears. She wouldn't even blink when looking at him. [Y/n]'s father picked her up, cradling in her in his arms.

"I want you out of this house and out of our lives!" [Y/n]'s father continued to yell, "Do you call this fine?! She's not even responsive!"


"Fuck what Yangisawa wanted! This was our precious girl. Not a fucking lab experiment!"

Those months of torture to years to undo. The first few months, [Y/n]'s father could hardly look at her without crying. He stopped his assassin work for a while. [Y/n] didn't speak, didn't respond immediately, often sat in a daze. It broke her father's heart, and [Y/n] soon began to notice that.

After a while, she thought it was best for her father's mental health for her to at least pretend like a normal child. Though the trauma she's been through will never make her truly "normal". She could hardly remember how she acted before the incident. [Y/n] would often try practicing in the mirror. She would try to smile, speak properly, maintain eye-contact.

Anything to make her seem normal...

Anything to be her father's precious little girl again...

But, she couldn't ignore the bloodlust that was burning inside of her. [Y/n] would have the sudden urge to kill something, and that was a major problem over the years. But, [Y/n]'s father had the idea of letting his daughter in the field of being an assassin.


"To become the most powerful assassin, you have to be able to kill me. You think you can do that?" [Y/n]'s father said and tossed [Y/n] a black dagger. The [h/c]-haired girl looked down at the knife in her hands, trying to ignore the screaming desire in her head to stab her own father, and looked at the father, who was standing dangerously close to her.

"B-But papa, I could never kill you." [Y/n] said, adding the nervous stutter to seem genuine, and he smiled at her.

"I know, I was just joking. The knife is just a gift, so don't worry." He said and patted her on the head. His daughter smiled a bit and looked back down at the dagger.

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