Chapter 3~Midterms

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The school bell rung signaling that it was time for class to start. [Y/n] hardly wanted to be here due the events of previous day, but she still had a mission to complete. "Okay everyone, shall we began?" Koro-sensei announced while using his Mach 20 speed to move around the room.

"Began what?"

"Midterm time has rolled around. And that's why this period will be spent in a high-speed study session." Koro-sensei explained.

"Why am I here then?" [Y/n] asked while glaring up at the headband on her head that read 'English' on it.

"Because [Y/n]-chan, there's nothing I can teach you that you don't already know." Koro-sensei said while he continued to move around at Mach 20 speed, "My clones can work with you one-on-one to drill you on each of your worst subjects and [Y/n]-chan will help with English."

"You can move at Mach 20! Why do I need to help?!" She snapped then sighed. 'Why'd I even come today?' She thought. Suddenly Koro-sensei's face got deformed. "No sneak assassination, if you please, Karma-kun!" He yelled, and [Y/n] couldn't help but smile a little, "Dodging interferes with my ability to maintain steady images!"

After class that day, [Y/n] had to stay behind and help clean up, much to her dismay. But, it kept Karma from following her around; she'd do it. Once they were done, [Y/n] and Nagisa collected their belonging and began walking out of the old campus until they heard talking in the teacher's lounge.

[Y/n] and Nagisa peeked inside to Koro-sensei and the principal talking. This was the first time [Y/n]'s seen the principal in person. He had a cold look to him and an aura of intimidation. "As principal, I must consider what lies in store next year and beyond-- should the Earth survive. In other words, if someone does so happen to kill you, what will happen to this school? Frankly, I need E Class to remain as it is." Principal Asano said, and [Y/n] glared though the small opening of the door.

"As it is?" Koro-sensei repeated, "You mean with rock-bottom grades and treatment, like now?"

"Yes. Are you familiar with the worker ant principal? In any given group, twenty percent will be lazy, twenty percent will work hard, and the remaining sixty percent will be average. My goal is a group composed of five percent slacker and ninety-five percent hard workers." The principal continued, "'I don't want to be like E Class.' 'I don't want to end up like E Class.' If we instill such determination in ninety-five percent of students, my ideal ratio can be achieved."

"I see. Logical indeed." Koro-sensei said, "And that's why you must keep the five percent that form E Class weak and pitiful."

"I received a complaint from a D Class teacher today: 'A boy and girl from E Class glared at two of my students and threaten to kill them.'"

[Y/n] gave a deadpanned look. 'That's not what happened at all.' She thought.

"I'm sure it's only natural for an assassin to look daggers at people. That in and on itself is not an issue. The problem is that a student with rock-bottom grades defied a regular one. Under my policies, that cannot stand." The principal said as he stood up from his place at the windowsill, "Please tell them in no uncertain terms to control themselves." He stopped walking, "Oh, and Koro-sensei...Solve this. You have one second." The principal threw a metal puzzle at Koro-sensei, which freaked the alien out.

Koro-sensei failed. "You are indeed as fast as they say. "There's no doubt you can dodge any attempt on your life. But you know, Koro-sensei...You cannot solve every problem with speed alone. Now, if you'll excuse me."

[Y/n] and Nagisa moved out to the way of the principal as he walked out of the teachers' lounge. Once he noticed them, Principal Asano gave them a fake smile, "Hey there. I look forward to see how you both do on your midterms. Good luck." He said, dryly, and walked away. [Y/n] stood there in awe. It was as if he said that he'd hoped they failed. Then her eyes narrowed, glaring daggers at the back of the principal's head. He was messing with her brain. She went from thinking of herself as an assassin to a pathetic middle-schooler.

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