There Was This Girl

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Brantley's POV

Lying awake in the darkness, I gently smoothed my fingers down the back of the woman sleeping in my arms enjoying the feel of her soft skin under my fingertips. Messy auburn hair tangled half laying over my arm and her face hiding part of it. Kiss swollen lips were poking out easy for me to see. Part of me felt guilt about my actions over the last few hours. Just when Beth had drifted off to sleep each time, I'd woken and taken her again in many ways relentlessly like I was trying to get her out my system when in fact it had the opposite effect. The pull that I'd felt since she first tripped falling into my arms only became stronger. Didn't want her is what I was accused of? A low chuckle slipped out causing Beth to stir a little before snuggling closer and settling back down making a smile twitch at my lips. If she even had an inkling of the power she had over me, she wouldn't doubt herself so much.

Remembering everything Riley had told us about her past and the more he had told me when plotting her kidnapping so speak made that driving need to protect her even more apparent. Don't get me wrong, Chase was one of my best friends, but I don't know if he truly understood her or even could. There was also a certain blonde he swore he was over but knowing him, I wasn't so sure. Because of that, he held a certain part of him back from everyone since then. Her ending things had killed him and a wall permanently stayed up since then. And they all thought it was me who had given up on settling down but they were very wrong.

I lost count of time just laying there watching Beth sleep and contemplating all that I knew now and what to do next. If I threw my hat completely in the ring, what assurances did I have that she wouldn't choose my best friend over me? As the sunlight began peeking through the window, I pressed a soft kiss to Beth's forehead before sliding from the bed and settling the covers around her. Maybe stepping away was the best thing for me.

Beth's POV

Silence is what seemed to yank me out of the first peaceful night's sleep I felt like I'd had in forever. Well, I thought opening my eyes with a blush, what sleep I did get. My arm reached out only feeling cold sheets making me bite my bottom lip against the tears that wanted to well, but I refused to let them. I shouldn't have expected less. I mean, I still did not have a firm answer on why I was even here other than basically being cave manned last night. Something that when I felt like sharing with Grant was going to make him do a happy dance for sure. Slowly sitting up, I realized I was in what I assumed to be a guest room. My suitcase propped against the wall of the closed door like I was just someone of lesser importance passing through. Given what I had done, I guess I should not have expected anything less.

Stiffening my resolve, I eased the covers back to limp over to it. Yes, I said limped because that was the best description of the way I was walking after last night. A little while later I felt a little braver making my way down the same set of stairs I was carried up last night but there was no sight of Brantley as I reached the bottom. I willed myself to not cry or to even care. Wondering in the general direction of where I assumed the kitchen was, I felt my nose twitch at the smell of coffee. Yes, I desperately needed that then I would sort things out and figure out a way to get my ass out of here before the grouchy owner returned from wherever he was hiding.

Stepping into the kitchen trying to be silent on bare feet against the hardwood floors, I drew up short seeing the woman standing near the stove stirring something and mumbling to herself. Like she knew I was there, her head snapped up and in the moment, I knew exactly who she was because I had seen that slow smile before.

"Well good morning or almost afternoon I should say sleepyhead," she teased motioning for me to step forward. I timidly made my way over taking the seat on the barstool she pointed at. "I'm Becky sweetheart, but there will be no missus in front of that you hear me. Call me Mama Becky just like everyone else around here." I did as I was told when a covered plate was sat before me, and a cup of coffee fixed just like I normally drank it telling me there was only one way she knew that. I removed the covering and found a homemade cinnamon roll and bacon. "Yea he made sure there was breakfast and wrote down how you liked your coffee before he disappeared for the day. Lots to get done. Always is anytime that oldest of mine gets a wild hair to throw a bonfire around here. Never got a firm grasp of who all was coming but with him it is no telling." She laughed then laid a hand on mine patting as I sat there in slight shock. "I'm glad to meet you finally Beth honey. I have heard about you."

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