Forever to Go

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One Month Later...

Lindsay's POV

"No,no,no, no.." I half grumbled, half sobbed staring down at the strip of white and blue plastic on my bathroom counter while my stomach rolled, again. "This cannot be happening!"

But sure, enough the word "pregnant" was still flashing back at me like there was no tomorrow. The tears that seemed to not have stopped for the last month slipped down my cheeks. What was I going to do? Originally, I was supposed to be flying home tomorrow to spend the holidays with my parents but as rough as I felt, climbing on a flight to Banff was the last thing I wanted to do. Sliding to the bathroom floor resting my back against the cabinets, I sobbed like there was no tomorrow. What in the hell was I going to do? I was running away from the father of this baby just as much as he was from me. Had Chase tried to call or anything since I slipped out of that hotel room a month ago?

Hell, no he hadn't. In what had to be a fit of hormones, I angrily wiped at my face thinking about what sent him to the bar that night anyways. Damn sure wasn't me was it? A loud knocking sounded from my front door prompting a low scream to sound out as I pushed myself to my feet because it scared me. Such the wrong move because no sooner than it left my mouth, I heard a key in the lock giving me a telltale sign of just who it was. I stumbled to the bathroom door about the time a pair of feet appeared making me look up into the concerned blue eyes of my ex-boyfriend.

"What do you want?" I snapped letting hurt, worry, anger, and jealousy fuel me. Chase took a step back with wide eyes reaching for me, but I buried my fingers into his hoodie pushing him backwards with what little strength I could muster after throwing up half the morning. "Shouldn't you be chasing that redhead around? She is what sent you on that drinking spree the last time I saw you wasn't she."

"I value my life thank you very much and BG would end it for me in a snap," Chase said with a snicker leaning against the wall across from me in the hallway. "Beth chose him which is just fine with me. That night opened my eyes to a lot of things."

"Like what that you can't hang with the big dawg," I growled rolling my eyes. Yes, I was being a thorough bitch, but I couldn't make myself care. "Just leave Chase."

"Not until I get a few things straight," he snarled crossing his arms glaring at me. "Yes, Beth chose Brantley but for all the right reasons and I couldn't be happier for her. See, I realized something Linds, I have never gotten over you. Don't think I ever will. So keep fighting me. Keep pushing me away sweetheart," I gasped as he stepped closer caging me against the wall with his hands braced on either side of my head. "I'm not going anywhere baby. I'm all in. You'll give in because you want this just as much as I do, you just are too scared to let go."

"Who says I will," I snapped glaring up at him and I was tempted to smack his smirking face at the confidence there in his eyes. Ugghh he could be such an arrogant ass at times. I debated kicking his leg when Chase leaned down pressing a soft kiss to my forehead making my whole body melt because he had that effect on me. A wave of dizzying nausea blasted through me making my head rest on his chest making both of us sigh as I tried to shake it off. I bit my lip against the tears wanting to form because I knew my stubborn ass would push him away again. Chase wrapped his arms around me pulling me to him just holding me. Then I felt his body stiffen a little as he looked down at me with wide eyes. "What?"

"Something you need to tell me baby?" he asked nodding his head at the test sitting in plain view on the bathroom counter. Crap. I forced myself to look up meeting his eyes biting my bottom lip. I warred with wanting to tell him or throw the test at his head. "Linds?"

"I'm pregnant,'' I whispered bracing myself for the epic freak out he was surely about to have but it was like a calm washed over him as a wide grin spread across his full lips taking me by complete surprise. "I'm so sorry..."

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