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Levi walked through the door to find it strangely quiet. He didn't think much of it as he shrugged set the groceries on the kitchen table. Erwin had been sleeping when he had left and Levi had only been gone an hour or two so it was most likely that his boyfriend was still in bed. Levi shrugged his jacket from his shoulders and put it on the back of a chair before dropping his house key on the table. He glanced at the clock which read 12:43 pm. Had Erwin really slept into the afternoon?

"Erwin, I'm home," Levi yelled.

No response. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed how the Med's cabinet was open and there were pill bottles left on the counter. Levi crossed the kitchen and took count of all the pill bottles in the cabinet plus the ones on the counter. six, seven, eight...Levi's eyebrows knitted together. There was one bottle missing. He spun around and scanned the kitchen. Had Erwin come down to take his meds? If so where the hell were his meds? Why didn't he put them back in the cabinet! Why didn't he-

Then it hit him all at once like a brick when he saw the orange empty pill bottle tipped over on the counter, next to a glass of water.

Levi scrambled from the kitchen throwing his shoes off the in process. He gripped the railing of the stairs and took them two at a time. Lord, please let him be okay, Levi thought as he almost tripped over himself at the top of the stairs. Down the hallway, the bathroom light was on yet there wasn't a sound of the shower running or Erwin humming.

"Erwin?" Levi asked.

He walked quickly down the hallway when there was no response. Maybe he just forgot to shut the light off? Maybe he had fallen asleep in the tub again? No...He would have answered when Levi yelled even if he was sleeping. Erwin was a light sleeper, woke up to even the slightest of noise.

Please, please, please, Levi begged as he finally managed to reach the bathroom. He grabbed the handle and took a breath.

"Erwin are you in there?" He asked.

No response. Levi took another unsteady breath and turned the doorknob, pushing the door open-

Levi awoke with a start, body drenched in sweat. The cat at the end of his bed made a noise of protest as he climbed out of bed. His hands shook and he fumbled to find the light switch to brighten the pitch-black room.

The nightmares had been happening since he started rehab. At first, he wasn't affected by them. He knew that it was an effect of the withdrawals, he knew that a majority of them weren't real. Then he started getting nightmares with Erwin in them. The first one started almost a week ago. Erwin was on his knees before him, his shirt covered in blood, those bright blue eyes reflected pain. As the days went on they only got worse. Every time Levi either saw the man he loved dying or saw him standing at the end of those stairs, calling him every name in the book. Tonight Nightmare had been a memory that Levi had been trying really hard to lock away.

There was a soft knock on his door as Levi stripped off his wet T-shirt. He didn't respond, he never did, the person knew that and opened the door. Levi picked up a new shirt from his nightstand ignoring the blonde who walked into the room and picked up the black cat at the end of his bed.

"Another nightmare?" She asked.

Levi hummed softly slipping on his t-shirt quickly as if to save Nanaba the sight of scars she had seen numerous times. The blonde woman sat down on his bed and pet the cat softly. She did her own thing as Levi slipped off his sleeping pants and threw on jeans. He knew this therapist wouldn't be a fan of the black skinny-riped jeans but Levi had yet to do his laundry this week so he had minimal clothing options.

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