All Bets Are Off

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Sam felt his hand tighten on the stock of the rifle and he heard the high pitched hum of a bowstring being drawn tight as Dig walked into his and Roy's line of sight. He pulled his eye away from the scope so he could keep an eye on the whole group, not just Nyssa.

"Roy, look. That's got to be the group Felicity mentioned." There were three men, he assumed, in the center of the group, one had his hands close together in front of him, bound together, and the other two were standing entirely too close to that one if he was part of the team. They all had hoods and masks on so from a distance he couldn't make out any features so he peered through the scope. The one who's hands were tied chose that exact moment to shift his head towards Sam's position and there was no mistaking Oliver's eyes, especially when they were that filled with rage. Sam almost pulled back when the force of that gaze hit him straight on.

"Yup, that's Oliver and he's pissed, actually a bit more than pissed."

"So we shouldn't expect thank you cards?" Roy quipped.

"Probably not." Sam pressed the earpiece, "Guys, Oliver is in the back, his outfit looks like the rest but I saw his eyes. Felicity how do we leave the earpieces on all the time so we can talk once the action gets going?"

"There's a little clip on the back that hooks the button to on," she answered just as Nyssa stepped a few steps forward to meet with Dig.

"Where is he?" Nyssa asked, her voice no longer dispassionate.

She really has it in for Malcolm. Let's hope he makes it back to where ever her Dad is. Sam thought as he focused his attention back on Nyssa and off of Oliver

"Back this way," Dig replied, "Where's Oliver? You don't get Malcolm until I see Oliver."

Nyssa nodded, flicked her hand and the men on either side of him reached out to take Oliver's arms but he moved a bit too quick and got a few steps ahead of them. Everyone, including Sam and Roy, tensed.

"Don't be stupid.." Sam muttered.

Oliver got to Nyssa's side. She pulled back the hood so Dig could see Oliver was unharmed even if he was gagged.

Dig's eyes narrowed, "Ra's doesn't know he's here does he?"

"That's not your concern," Nyssa snapped.

"Uh huh," Dig said as his eyes started moving around the room and Sam got the distinct impression that things were about to go south. "So if I hand Malcolm over to you, what's the guarantee that Ra's doesn't try to lay waste to this city out of spite since you changed the game without telling him?"

Nyssa ripped the veil off her face and Sam was instantly struck by her deadly beauty. "I am the heir to the Demon.."

"What?" Dean snapped, "Demon?"

"That's his title, not his species." Felicity replied, "Or so we think."

"...Merlyn disobeyed the League," Nyssa continued, "He will be punished, my father never should have accepted Oliver substituting himself for Malcolm. Oliver has done nothing wrong. I will make my father see reason."

Sam could see Dig wasn't the least bit happy with her answer but they were running low on options. "Fine, untie Oliver and I'll...

"Guys!" Felicity shouted at the same time that the warehouse erupted with the sound of several small explosions accompanied the sound of breaking glass. "They rappelled in, no cameras up top..sorry!"

Several more League members burst into the room. One of them shouted something in a foreign language then he saw something flick towards Nyssa's back. "Nyssa! Dig! Down!"

(Book 5 Arrow/Spn xover) Family Is Who You'll Kill ForWhere stories live. Discover now