...Are Doomed to Repeat It

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It took about an hour to get all four monitors, two hard drives plus the computer they set up in the master bedroom for Dean up and running to Felicity's standards. Once that was done Sam sat down and stared at the rapidly scrolling screens as the search algorithms she'd designed wormed their way through the endless virtual storehouses of the internet until the thought hit that he should call Cas since they were starting to get a rather decent collection of Sumerian documents.

"Sam?" Cas said after the second ring.

"Hi. You may want to start heading this way. Felicity's already found quite a few things that seem to mention the Mark. All ancient, most in Sumerian and about half of them are partial translations. We could use you."

"Of course, how's Dean?"

"Calm, for now."

"That's good. Text me the address. I am already in the state of Washington so should be able to be there within a few hours. I started heading to Starling when you told me you were helping Oliver."

"Sure thing. See you soon." They hung up and Sam looked over the monitor at Felicity, "What's the address here?"

She shot him a confused look, "Why does he need the address? Can't he just teleport?"

"Oh, yeah, not anymore. No angel can. They lost their wings."

That seemed to shock her more than anything else that had happened since they'd shown up. "What? How?"

"It's complicated," he sighed and gave her the short version.


"Yeah, putting it mildly. The address?"

"Oh sure," she recited the address and he returned to cataloging the information her searches pulled up while she kept trying to hack the Vatican.

A few hours later she threw her arms up in disgust, "Seriously, what does the Vatican have that's so important! I get through one or two layers then another one pops up."

"Are you kidding?" he replied as he stood up and stretched, "The Church has so many secrets. Remember they pretty much ran the world for quite a few centuries and then there's all the apocryphal testaments that they don't want their followers to read; holy relics, items of power. Entire countries rose and fell based upon Rome's decree back in the day, not to mention what people and things who have less than good intentions could do if they got their hands on the type of power that the Vatican vaults hold." He heard the door bell then the front door opening and tensed, "Were we expecting company?"

"You really think Oliver and Dig would pass up the chance the chance to have those pot pies again?"

"This isn't the best time for all of that," he stated.

"We know," Oliver said from the doorway that led into the media room. "That's why we're cooking."

Thea scooted in between Oliver and the wall and walked up to him, "I brought the drinks," she said with a relaxed smile.

"Thea?" He shot a concerned look at Oliver who simply shrugged.

"I wanted to come up and thank you guys," she continued, "For getting Oli back and making him finally open up. I won't stay long, he said that things are bit uncertain right now. I get it. I just..well."

"You're welcome. Dean's in the master bedroom, he could use some good news."

"Sure thing." She smiled again, gave him a brief hug then her and Oliver headed down the hall.

"Hey, anyone want to help the two sidekicks out here?" Dig's voice echoed through the house. "I mean, I know I'm the driver slash bodyguard and Roy's the pretty boy backup but this recipe is pretty complicated."

(Book 5 Arrow/Spn xover) Family Is Who You'll Kill ForWhere stories live. Discover now