The Most Powerful Force

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Sam ducked the spinning staff as Dean sidestepped Cain and brought his blade down along Cain's ribs. Instead of blood pouring from Cain's wounds, coppery colored light trickled down his side as he hissed.

"How many centuries has it been since you got your ass kicked?" Dean asked.

Somehow Sam knew what Dean's next move without Dean even saying a word and aimed his blade at Cain's throat just as Dean changed the angle of his blade on the return swing  which etched a rather large X into Cain's left side. Cain ignored Dean's hit and the blocked Sam, stopping what would have been a fatal thrust. Then the end of Cain's staff slammed onto Sam's shoulder almost making him drop his blade.

Cain continued his spin and the curved end of this staff dug deep into Dean's shoulder, wrenching a scream from Dean's throat. "I said you were strong Dean," Cain taunted, "Not smart or all that skilled. That you get from me boy."

Cain's back was to him as Cain yanked the blade out of Dean's shoulder so he took the opportunity to hurl his blade into the middle of Cain's back. He'd put so much force behind his throw that the first two hooks sank all the way into Cain's flesh.

Cain's head flew back, his mouth agape and his scream reminded them of a whole pack of hellhounds, and he kicked Dean in the chest, sending him flying. Cain spun around to face Sam, cocking his arm back and threw the staff . He dodged but the staff clipped his chest and sent him soaring through the air into the flames of their old house.

He heard Dean scream his name but the flames didn't touch him, he didn't feel the heat. What he did feel was a throbbing coming from the symbols on his chest as another blade appeared in his hand.

We're taking this bastard out now! Dean's voice filled his mind. He looked across the open space and the force of Dean's gaze when he met his eyes caused a titanic shift within him. The lingering traces of doubt and hate Cain had tried to sow between them crumbled and fell away. Dean's chest glowed red from the light racing through the markings that Dig had so painstakingly drawn. A whole series of attacks flitted through his mind, he didn't even have to reply because as soon as he saw Dean moving he moved. 

They moved fast and in perfect unison. Cain was facing him, so he feinted to the right to give Dean the perfect shot he needed. Cain realized what was coming but it was a second too late. Their Mark fueled accuracy and power catching Cain completely off guard. Dean aimed high and he aimed low, severing Cain's head and piercing his heart at the exact same moment.

Dean dropped his blade, grabbed the Mark, crumpled to his knees and started convulsing.

He went flying back and his world went black.

"Sam! Dean!" Cas's voice invaded the blackness and brought his awareness to the fact that he was back in his own mind and body. He opened his eyes just as he felt a sharp tug on his left arm and he saw Dean on the ground, his back arched in pain and right arm almost fully engulfed by the hellish light of the Mark. The light started to swirl just above Dean's arm, making his scream hit ever higher registers.

He looked at Cas, "Now Cas!"

Cas's left hand reached into his coat as his right grabbed a jar filled with Holy Water. When his left hand reappeared it held the First Blade and he rushed towards Dean, eyes filled with angelic power. He thrust the Blade into the light pouring from Dean's arm and started to speak in a mix of Enochian and Sumerian, his tone commanding and completely dominating the room.

The light spun and swirled, fighting against the command in Cas's voice but bit by bit it crept up into the Blade. Slowly at first but faster and faster as Cas repeated the chant. As the light rose into the Blade the Mark on Dean's arm began to fade, then it suddenly halted and Cas's face twisted with effort.

"You. Shall. Not. Have. Him." White light burst from the angel's body, wreathing him in Heavenly fire, "If it is the last thing I do, if it costs me the last of my Grace I shall save Dean Winchester."

Dean's eyes flew open and he and the angel locked eyes, then Enochian and Sumerian came from both their mouths. A hideous growl rose from the pool of light but with the addition of Dean's voice it was forced upward, ever faster, into the Blade.

The Mark was nearly gone, then with a last vengeful flash of angry brilliance the light vanished along with the Mark. Cas shoved the First Blade into the jar of Holy Water causing steam to billow and hiss as the water boiled. "Roy!" Cas snapped, "The box."

Roy slid an iron box which was etched with numerous holy symbols across the floor. Cas caught it and dumped both the water and Blade into the box, slammed the lid down and locked it.

Dean was panting, so was he. Something tugged at his arm again and he finally realized there was a handcuff on his arm. His brain was so overwhelmed and tired he had to force his eyes to follow the chain and discovered that it ended at a cuff that was around Dean's left wrist.

"Hey," he tugged back, drawing Dean's attention to the cuffs.

Dean looked down, then looked back up at Cas, "Please tell me there's a non kinky reason that we're cuffed together."

"I think it says something rather profound about you that no matter how horrible the situation is that we save you from your mind immediately goes to a sexual reference," Cas noted as a smile slowly worked it's way across his face.

"It says that as long as he's human and him, no matter what goes on in Dean's upper brain, the lower brain will always win out in the end. Think we can get rid of these Cas?" He asked as he took a quick look at his right arm which was completely bare of any Mark and looked completely normal.

"Of course Sam," Cas replied as he pulled the key out of his pocket and unlocked the cuffs, then healed all their various wounds but neither of them felt like moving.

"Hey Oliver?" Dean asked.


"Any chance you have a couple of fishing poles stashed away somewhere?"

Oliver shot him a confused look, "Fishing poles? Uh, there might be one or two in the garage. Why?"

"Well, once Sam and I feel like moving again I was thinking we could try our luck."

He took a long look at his brother, there was no hint of the Mark left in Dean's eyes and the smile on his face wasn't forced. It was filled with relief and all him. "I'm down for that."

(one more chapter left I think folks)

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