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6 months later

The past few months Meredith and Derek were stronger as a couple and more in love than ever. They continue living on Derek's trailer and working together very successfully, everyone at work couldn't believe that McDreamy was finally back!

One night Meredith was working late Derek was already home. When she arrived she saw lights come from the cliff on their land, she walked inside the trailer as an attempt to find Derek but at the door she found a note:

"If you want to find me follow the light! D."

A few minutes later she was there looking the beautiful place full with candles and Derek walking to her with a big smile on his face.

"Derek..." Meredith was speechless so Derek started talking.

"We met at this party year's ago, do you remember? We met and you said 'I'm just a girl' and I said 'I'm just a guy' and we started this thing. We got married and we were happy until I was an ass and you run but we found our way back to each other." Derek smiled at her and took her hands.

Meredith at this point all she could do was cry softly.

"We survived everything and all I want is to marry you again.."
They laughed..
"I want to have kids with you, I want to grow old with you and die when I'm 110 years old in your arms!" Derek walked closer to her..
"I'm not going to get down on one knee. I'm not going to ask a question,
I love you Meredith Grey and I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

"And I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Meredith said and then they kissed!

After the kiss Meredith looked around the candles Derek saw her and started explaining..

"I thought I should give you a preview of our house. This could be our kitchen, our living room could be here the view is beautiful don't you think?"

"And over there that's the room our kids could play" Meredith smiled at him " hmm but where is our bedroom?"

They laughed and started kissing again...

A few months later...

Meredith and Derek decided to continue live at the trailer until their house was ready.
They both decided that they didn't want a big wedding.. So they decided to got to the City Hall to marry but for a week their work kept them busy and they seem that they could never made it..

The next day they decide to try again, but once again it seemed like they were running out of time..

"So if we don't eat or change clothes and run fast across the street we can get marry and do our surgery on time..." Meredith said

"Meredith we can go another day" Derek said interrupting Meredith's adorable ramble...

"There's no other day! Everyday is like this, everyday there's a crisis there's no time!" Meredith said frustrated! "I love you and I do want to marry you today but there's no time"

"Do you have a piece of paper?"

"For what?"

"I want to be with you forever and you want to be with me forever in order to do that we need to make vows a commitment, a contract! So give me a piece of paper!"

"I don't have one." Meredith said searching "I only have post-it's"

"Okay" Derek said and took the post-it's and seat down at the couch on the attendings lounge.

"What do we want to promise each other?" Derek asked

"That you'll love me even when you hate me"

"To love each other even when we hate each other...No running. Ever. Nobody walks out, no matter what happens."

"No running." Meredith agreed

"What else?"

"That we'll take care of each other, even when we're old and smelly and senial"

"To take care when old, senile, smelly.
This is forever." Derek said and signed it.
"Sign?" Derek

"This is our wedding? a post it..."

"mhm if you sign it" Derek smiled at her

Meredith signed it and asked
"Now what?"

"Now I kiss the bride" Derek said and kissed Meredith

"Married." Meredith said smiling at him

"Married." Derek agreed.

And they kissed again


A few more months passed and the couple couldn't be more happy! They were living at their house, they end up adopting a little girl named Zola who came to complete their happiness. The adoption went smoothly but Meredith and Derek they did had to get marry at the City Hall for it..

About a year later another bundle of joy came in to their life a baby boy named Bailey Derek Shepherd Grey the delivery didn't went very smoothly Meredith almost died but Dr. Bailey saved her that's way they named their son after her!

Through the years their life was mostly good with some bumps on the road who only made them stronger... They end up having another baby girl Elisabeth Carolin Shepherd Grey.

They grew old together and they never broke their vows.. Derek retired first and Meredith a few years later.. They made a big name together at the medical world everyone was talking about the power couple!

Only Zola end up being a doctor a neurosurgeon like her parents..
Bailey decided to be a firefighter and Ellis became a big lawyer. Bailey was the first one who got marry Sofia Sloan Mark's and Addison's daughter they also had a baby boy..
The next one was Ellis and the last one was Zola.

No one left Seattle they retired and stayed at the dream house still in love with their children and grandchildren around.

Derek and Meredith found dead together at their bed in each other's arms. Not when Derek was 110 years old but they were both together.

The End!

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