• Chapter 14 •

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Possessive Much?

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Fred had been downing his butterbeers like they were water as a coping mechanism for how his boyfriend had been acting for the past half an hour.

A short while after their little, intimate moment, Harry had wasted little time in dragging a flustered Draco out of The Three Broomsticks in order for them to have some time alone.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately (Fred couldn't decide), ever since Draco and Harry had shamelessly made out in front of the two, Nicolai had seemed to grow bolder and bolder himself; constantly flirting with Fred and instigating as much physical contact as possible.

It had gotten to the point in which the light touch of Nicolai's leg pressed against Fred's own seemed to almost burn. And, although this burning wasnt exactly painful, Fred's composure was quickly thinning. Along with his self-control.

Just as Fred was about to completely lose his cool prankster façade and become one very red ginger, he made the wise decision to excuse himself to the bathroom.

Not even seconds after Fred had left, a boy Nicolai definitely did not recognise approached their table with an overly confident smirk displayed across his face.

"Double date gone wrong?" The mysterious boy mused whilst making himself comfortable in Fred's chair, right next to a clueless Nicolai.

"What? Why would you think that?" Nicolai questioned, slightly confused by this peculiar situation as well as what the bloody hell this no-name blonde was talking about.

"Well it seems to me like your little friend ran off with his date and left you alone with Gingersnap over there. But that's okay, I can always keep you company."

"No thank you." Nicolai quickly grew uncomfortable and stood up to leave as the man leant forward and attempted to wrap an arm around his shoulders, although his anger at the insult aimed towards Fred definitely wasn't forgotten.

Just as the man was about to reach out towards Nicolai for a second time, a different hand reached out from behind Nicolai and grabbed it whilst the brunette was pulled back into the familiar chest of a person he immediately realised was Fred.

Relaxing into Fred's embrace, Nicolai took note of the way the gingers grip on his waist tightened as well as how his grip on the other mans wrist intensified, leaving the blonde to wince in pain as he tried to rip himself free.

"Don't touch my boyfriend." Fred practically hissed in distaste as he finally let go of the man, both of his arms moving to wrap around Nicolai in a way that seemed almost possessive.

'He definitely could have been a Slytherin if he wasnt so adorably heroic.' Nicolai mused internally as the creepy man desperately tried to defend himself.

"Look, I'm sorry man, I didn't know he was yours."

"Whether he was mine or not, he was clearly uncomfortable, and you still continued to practically assault him!" Fred's voice was starting to raise, capturing the attention of some of the people around them, who wasted little time before beginning to whisper rather loudly.

'I should probably do something before this escalates further' Nicolai decided, moving to pull Fred down into a hug that allowed him the ability to whisper into the gingers ear.

"Can we please just leave Fred? I just want to leave." Was all that had to be said by the brunette for his boyfriend to quickly grab their coats and usher him out the door.

As soon as they had their coats on and had moved a little further away from The Three Broomsticks, Fred turned Nicolai to face him, gently grabbing his chin and lifting the smaller boys face to meet his concerned gaze.

"Are you okay Nico?" Fred questioned, trying his best to decipher the complicated mix of emotions in his partners eyes. "Did he hurt you?"

"I'm okay, Fred," It was clear that Fred didn't believe him, and Nicolai wasn't even sure if he believed himself, "I'm just a little overwhelmed I guess."

"Is there anything I can do to help or make you feel better?"

Nicolai's eyes caught sight of Honeydukes shop windows, and a small smile crept on to his face.

"Will you buy me some cookies and cream chocolate from Honeydukes?" Fred's own face adopted a similar smile as he quickly intertwined his fingers with Nicolai's own, connecting them in a pinkie promise.

"I would buy you all the chocolate in the world if it would make you happy, Nico." He quietly murmured under his breath, but Nicolai still heard him and smile sweetly up at the ginger.

"Don't be silly Fred. I don't need all the chocolate in the world." Nicolai stated, expression jokingly serious, "I wouldn't be able to eat it all, and that would just be a waste."

"How about just all the chocolate in England then?" Fred let out a loud laugh when Nicolai nodded enthusiastically in response. So loud in fact, that he completely missed what Nicolai next

"I am absolutely infatuated with you Fred Weasley." He whispered under his breath, smiling softly to himself at that realisation. Luckily Fred didn't seem to hear him.

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"Possessive much?" Draco mused whilst Harry didn't even try to muffle his laughter.

Nicolai and Fred were currently filling them in on what had happened whilst they were off doing their own thing. Though it was mostly Fred doing the explaining considering how Nicolai was now happily munching on his cookie and cream chocolate bar.

The two pairs had bumped into each other when Fred and Nicolai were leaving Honeydukes, and all four of them decided that it was probably time to start heading back.

"Can you really blame me for reacting like that though? Harry?" Fred tried to defend himself, lifting his hands up as if to plead innocence.

Harry just shook his head, not even trying to help Fred, and as such, gained a dramatic gasp form the ginger.


Both Draco and Nicolai moved into a much more serious conversation as they moved back on to the gravel path leading to the apparition point, Harry and Fred continuing to joke around behind them.

"Did you get the letter form Gringotts?" Draco questioned in an almost excited whisper.

"Yeah, it arrived this morning,"


"Everything is being arranged now and I have a ton of paperwork to go through, but it should all be finished by Yule."

"That's amazing Nicolai!" Draco cheered, practically suffocating the brunette in a tight hug.

"What's amazing?" Fred questioned as he and Harry tuned into their conversation with a freshly peaked curiosity.

"Nothing, really." Nicolai quickly covered up whilst side-eyeing Draco in annoyance for being too loud.


Thank you for reading the fourteenth chapter of Redamancy! I hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1132

EDITED = ?/?/?

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