• Chapter 19 •

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The Epilogue

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It has been about a year since Fred proposed to Nicolai, and a month since they had actually gotten married. After the wedding, the couple had spent a week travelling around America before returning to England where Nicolai had set up a little surprise for Fred.

Having to apparate from the Burrow too an unknown location wearing a blindfold wasn't exactly the ginger's ideal method of travel. However, the comforting feeling of his husband (and Merlin did he love being able to call him that) holding him by his hips, reassured Fred.

The couple were still in their 'honeymoon phase' as everyone called it, but both the ginger and brunette weren't to worried about this feeling fading anytime soon, or at all for that matter.

The giddy grin on Fred's face left his cheeks aching in the best way possible, and he just knew that Nicolai was wearing the exact same expression when the shorter man urged him forwards.

Fred only had to take a couple of steps before he was turned around to face Nicolai, blindfold still tied over his eyes.

"You know, if this whole set up is just you trying to kill me, there are better and easier ways to do so, mon amour." Fred joked, knowing that his husband hadn't quite had enough of him yet.

'If how he woke me up this morning was anything to go by.' The ginger chuckled at the memory.

"Yes, and I am well aware of those ways, so don't tempt me, Mr. Weasley." Nicolai replied sarcastically, and Fred could already see the eye roll he had been gifted with in reciprocation to his words.

"I would never, Mr. Weasley."

The way in which those words rolled of Fred's tongue had the ginger licking his lips, his heart speeding up, and the butterflies in his stomach multiplying in an exhilarating frenzy.

The love he felt for his husband still felt the same as it had when he was a young boy doing everything in his power to just catch the smallest glimpse of his adorably unique Slytherin.

He had it bad. And everyone who knew him took no precautions in telling him so.

Every kiss, and hug, and hand holding, and even every word exchanged between Nicolai and Fred, just had the ginger falling more and more in love.

And Nicolai felt exactly the same.

But both men were okay with falling. As long as they did so together.

What Fred wasn't okay with though, was the fact that he couldn't kiss his obviously blushing husband after hearing him mutter a quite "Shut up." In reply to his words.

"Anyway! Are you gonna take this blindfold off of me any time soon or-" The ginger quickly changed the subject, clearly becoming impatient in wanting to find out what the big surprise was.

"Oh- oh, yeah!" Nicolai slipped behind Fred and easily untied the blindfold, letting it unceremoniously fall to the ground.

The breath caught in Fred's throat.

In front of the newly-weds stood a large, rather antique looking manor, and on the gate not even three feet away from Fred, it read 'Amare Manor' in an italic font that was weaved delicately into the black metal.

"Holy Merlin," Fred wasn't quite sure what exactly to say, because he new exactly what the surprise was now, "Holy Merlin!"

"What- When did you- How?!"

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