Chapter 1 Laser Control

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Today was a nice day outside. There were no clouds in the sky and the sun above him was shining down upon the parking lot. It was peaceful out enough for someone to go out and run some errands. In this instance, it was Jon who volunteered for this venture.

"What a great time to be running some errands!" Jon thinks to himself with a smile on his face.

Usually, the man would invite his roommates, either Eduardo or Mark, to come with him but today they were busy. So Jon decided to go to the store himself. They just needed a few things so he took the car and drove to the store by himself. After all, Jon could use the time to focus on his thoughts. After a bit of shopping Jon left the store satisfied. He carried two grocery bags in his right hand effortlessly. He walked at an even pace to not jostle the bags he carried in his gasp. With his other hand, he fished for the car keys and slipped them out of his pocket. It didn't take long for him to find the car and unlock it. He opened the passenger door and carefully placed the bags inside. After he closed the car door he was about to walk to the other side to get to the driver's side before he stopped. A strange sound filled the air. A strange buzzing sound of sorts rushed through. Jon looked around to see where it was coming from but everything that transpired happened in a flash. There was a bright blue light that came right for the poor guy. It was too quick for him to dodge it in time and his left arm was inches close to getting burned. To his surprise, Jon was shot by a rude laser. It caught him off guard so badly that the pain that came with it didn't even register for that moment. His heart raced with a spike of adrenaline as he stood there frozen in shock as his small eyes slowly looked down to see the damage. He lifted his arm which was surprisingly not damaged and took a closer look at it, in that moment he acted on his first instinct. That being to scream at the top of his lungs. Only disturbing the birds in the sky with the man's ear-piercing shriek at the sight of the damage on his hip. It all hit him like a glass bullet. Jon, rightfully so, started to panic and took off his blue button-up, leaving him with his torn gray T-shirt, and started to apply pressure to the burn as he leaned against the car. If things couldn't get any worse someone ran up to him as soon as he stopped screaming. The kid's eyes were filled with nothing but pure panic while holding what looked like a laser gun in his hands.

"Oh my god- oh my god-" The kid began, "Sir, are you okay?! I'm so sorry about that! I-I didn't mean to I swear-"

"H-Hey, hey it's okay!" Jon replied trying to not look like he was gravely injured, "I-It just a burn it's not that bad, I promise!"

"But you're hurt! Do you want me to get some help?"

"No! No! There's no need for that kiddo," Jon spoke with a reassuring tone, "But please watch where you wave that thing alright?"

The kid was hesitant to agree as he looked at the weapon in his grasp again. Nodding before running off and away from the man he shot with a laser gun. Once the kid was gone Jon took a deep breath to calm himself down while hobbling over to the driver's side and carefully got in the car. He knew that he should've been mad at the kid for having the laser gun or even accepted the help that was offered but he didn't want to make things more complicated than things needed to be. By then he got adjusted in the car and properly wrapped his button-up around his waist after looking at the wound. Letting it suck up the blood that did come from it. He wouldn't re-wear it for obvious reasons but it would have to do until he got home. Not wanting to drive home stressed he calmed himself down enough so he could drive home. Thankfully after a few minutes go by and Jon drove home and pulled up in the driveway. He sat there in the car for a few moments, taking deep breaths to not just walk in there screaming in pain. He'd feel even worse if he were to tell them what happened. So he decided to not mention it. He didn't want to worry them in any way. Jon let out a shaky sigh and tried to ignore the pain. He got out of the car and yelped, feeling the shock of pain coming from the burn. He quickly wiped his eyes to keep himself from crying. Stuffing that feeling down and grabbed groceries from the groceries that somehow were in tact. Carefully making his way inside his home. Opening the door for himself and shuffling inside. Not wanting to do any further than he had to in his predicament he placed the two bags and keys on the coffee table.

"Guys I'm home!" Jon announced his presence not perfectly hiding the pain in his voice as he walked in.

After he said that there was no answer from the other two he came in. Jon didn't see either of them when he came in so he doubted that they even heard him. Knowing them Eduardo was probably out in the backyard and Mark was most likely in his room reading. Jon wasn't too bothered by this fact. Half of the time everyone just did their own thing anyway. Nothing in the bags needed to be put away immediately so he just left them on the coffee table for them to figure out what goes where. After Jon does this he scurried off to the bathroom to take a much-needed shower and to tend to the new wound that was inflicted on him.

(A/N update: Decided to edit this a bit because I wanted to detail some things in here better! I'm not gonna change too much since I love this as it is already but I just wanted to tweak some things in here so don't mind me!)

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