Chapter 5 Told You

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A month goes by and even still Jon's night terrors won't seize. It was all until one night that he saw something that will interfere with his relationship with his roommates.

"Hey, Eduardo?" 


"Is it possible to dream about your own death?" 

Eduardo's eyes widen as he turned to Jon.

"The hell, I guess so, what happens in your dream?" 

Jon recollected the events as he told Jon from start to finish. Saying how a communistic criminal destroyed the neighbor's house and their own. Then that he couldn't move like his weak body couldn't handle such a blow.



"You heard me. It's just yer' head messing with you. It happens to all of us." 

"But have you seen the news?!" 

"What about it, zombies are still on the loose and people don't seem to care about that." 

"You don't understand Eduardo! Something is going to happen today! I can feel it!" 

"That's- never mind, look dreams are fucked up, either way, now you know that." 

Before he could say anything else Eduardo walked away. Mark went to the hair salon to get his hair done. Then there was a sudden commotion at the neighbor's place...

~time skip a day after the end~

Jon's funeral was set out, the night was set. Eduardo and Mark got dinner, not even saying a word to each other. They barely mourned for his loss since others were there. Neither of them wanted to be bothered by people telling them how sorry they were. Since the houses needed to be rebuilt they were going to stay in an apartment, coincidently next to Edd's place. It was only temporary after all. It seemed like those two were stuck as neighbors no matter what happens. It sounded unfair but they would have to deal with it. When they were home they did their own thing, checking up on each other as the lonely hours passed by. When night struck Eduardo went to Mark's room, where he was there on his phone. Not really doing much except looking back at group photos of all of them together. Oh, such good times they were. The door was left open so Eduardo didn't bother to knock if it was already opened.

"So apparently the house won't be finished for another month or so." 

"What do we do until then?" 

"Well I spoke to a couple of people this morning about it, it's complete bullshit that we have to pay so much-" 

"Eduardo," Mark spoke with widened eyes.


"Look behind you..." 

Eduardo hesitated before looking behind him. There was nothing there.

"What are talking about? There's nothing there Mark."

"I'm right here Eduardo!"

The voice was familiar so very familiar. For the first time, Eduardo's voice churned into one with fear.



"You were right, about that feeling you had back there. I just wanted to say I'm sorry." 

Without realizing it Eduardo was crying. As only silent tears came down from his tired eyes. He had to keep fighting. It was the only thing he could do. He had to keep it together.

"I told you, now stop crying I'm here now aren't I?" 

Within the boundaries of time, the two came to understand why Jon was like this, he was going anywhere just yet, he certainly didn't want to go without his friends, they've done so much for him, the least he could do was be there with them.

(A//n: Thanks for reading this, I know it's short unlike the other fics but it was fun to write, I like to think that Jon appeared as a ghost in "The End" because well, he didn't want to go wherever he was going to go without his friends you know. Besides that, I hope you guys are doing well as of now and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!~ 💜)

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