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Mikey's P.O.V

It's been about two weeks since we had to evacuate the city and basically move to April's old farm house.
And it's absolutely MISERABLE here.
Leo is still in a coma; when we got here we carried him up to the bathroom and laid him in the tub. Raph absolutely refuses to leave the bathroom, unless someone needs to use it.
And I'm just saying, it's kinda unsettling when you have to take a dump in the same room as your unconscious brother. Like what if he woke up just to see someone sitting on the toilet in the corner across from him just taking a shit?
Anyways, yeah. Raph basically lives in the bathroom. He even has a ball of blankets on the floor next to the tub, and that's his bed. And he has a old wooden stool for a chair, but that's it. It's pretty sad, but I get I guess. And I mean, someone should be there incase he wakes up- I mean when he wakes up. He will wake up. I hope...
Things aren't going that great for Donnie either. He's been obsessing over trying to come up with a plan to take back NYC. Thats all he does, sit in the lab he made in April's old barn. He tries to come up with a bunch of plans and experiments. On top of that, since he never leaves the barn unless it's to go to bed, he hasn't been eating much. I try to take food out to him but he shoos me out and when I go back out there, his food is totally untouched. Now and then a few bites are gone, but that's about it.
And Casey? He has kind of shut everyone out. He lost his family to the Kraang and he's been beating himself up for it. For a while he kept saying how he should have been their with his family and he should have protected them. Don and I tried explaining that it's not his fault and that we will get them back. But I guess he got tired of hearing it and he totally shut everyone out. He has dedicated all his time to fixing up one of Aprils old family cars. So, he sits in the garage and tinkers with the car until he gets tired. About once a week he drives over to a small store down the road to get food and other necessities, but besides that no one leaves.
April basically did the same thing as Casey. She isolated herself to her bedroom and she has fallen into depression. I can't get her to leave her bed for anything. She won't eat either, and I don't know the last time she showered.
Donnie had to instal another showering system in a spare room just so everyone else could shower. But it seems to go unused quite a bit...Sorry, I got side tracked again, didn't I?
But yeah. Everyone is miserable here.
As a family, we aren't even the same. Everyone is hurting, and instead of coming together (like I think we should) everyone has just isolated themselves. And they have found distractions to help them cope with...everything that's happened.
I mean, we lost Splinter, we lost Karai, we lost our home, and I feel like I'm losing my family.
The only thing any of us have left is each other, and it feels like we are losing that.
And you're probably wondering right now, oh Mikey how are you doing dude?
Miserable, like everyone else in this hell hole.
Unlike everyone else, I can't just suppress my feelings. Lock them in a box deep inside of me. Sometimes I wish that I could do that.
I have done my best to take care of everyone. I make everyone breakfast, lunch, and diner. Sometimes I even make snacks!
And it's not easy trying to cook for five people. And clean up after them too.
Is this what it feels like to be a mom?
When I'm not taking care of the others- well, trying to anyways, I'm alone with my thoughts. And they can get to be a lot.
I try to hangout so with Raphie sometimes. He just tells me to go away. Same with Donnie and Casey. They want nothing to do with me. They are always "too busy" for me. And April, I can't tell when she's awake and when she's asleep. Sometimes I go in her room and I sit on the floor for a while. It's nice just to have the company. And she even lets me rant to her, I don't know if she hears me and she never responds. But it's still nice. And she has never told me to leave her alone.
It just sucks, I don't have any hobbies like Donnie and Casey. Even back home, my thing was comic books, and I haven't found any comic books around here. So in my free time, to distract myself, I have been cleaning April's old attic.
There's some cool stuff up there. I found this box of ancient looking tapes, I've seen these before, they're movies.
There's even an old TV with one of those things to play the tapes.
Hey! I should go ask Donnie to hook it up for me!

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