Please Help Me

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"Mikey," a warm voice voice whispers and I feel a light tap on my shoulder.
"Five more minutes!" I groan and I roll onto my other side, facing away from the person trying to wake me.
"I have something to show you."
"Waaaaait!" I groan. I roll onto my back and I blink open my eyes.
The first thing I see is Donnie's smiley face. He's looking down at me and he is smiling ear-to-ear.
"Donnie? Are you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You're acting strange?"
"What do you mean?"
"Nevermind." I groan and I sit up. I don't feel so good.
Wait my ankle! I can't let Donnie see!
I pull my ankle to me and I try to hide it in my lap- wait. My regular ankle wrapping is back on.
"Are you okay?" Donnie asks. I can hear the concern in his voice.
"Yeah...I'm fine." I'm not fine. I feel like I'm in some kind of haze...or like a trance.
I rub my eyes.
"Come on," Donnie says and he grabs my hand.
"Where are we going?"
"Remeber that invention I've been working in since we moved here?" He asks and he heads down the ladder. I follow after him.
"No, you never told me?"
"That's because it's a surprise. Hurry up." As soon as I step off of the ladder Donnie grabs my wrist and he starts running.
"D! Why are we running?" I run behind him and he darts through the house and out the door within a matter of seconds.
Before I know it, we are in the barn. And in front of me is a giant...thing...with a sheet over it.
"We don't have much time. You're already bleeding." Donnie says and he yanks the sheet down.
What does he mean I'm bleeding?
I look down at my ankle- shit he's right!
"I made this." Donnie says and he opens the door to this big closet looking thing.
My head is spinning and I have so many questions- Is it a giant closet, that's very shinny?
"There's somethings I want to show you." He says pulls me into the closet. What does he want to show me in a big metal closet? I have no idea what is going on, but it's overwhelming. There's a stinging sensation in my ankle, not only that but it feels warm too.
Wait. I think I'm dreaming?
I anxiously watch as Donnie presses several buttons on a panel thing.
"Brace yourself!" Donnie yells. There is a loud humming, fan-like noise that is blasting into my ear drums.
"For what!?" I scream back with terror ringing in my voice.I have never been so confused in my LIFE!
The machine starts to violently shakes. Donnie braces himself against the wall and I fall into the wall next to him. "Donnie what's going on!?" I cry out suddenly it feels like I'm being shot through space at an unbelievable speed.
Then everything just stops. It stopped.
Donnie collects himself and he stumbles over to the door.
"Woah," he rubs his head. "That was a little tougher than I had planned. Now come on." He says and he presses a big red button that opens the door.
When the door opens I immediately see a seven year old version of myself.
"Uh, Donnie?" We are in my old bedroom...
"I made a time machine, Mikey. Don't worry, no one can see us or hear us." Donnie steps out of the time machine and I follow after him.
I take a step closer to my bed- well not my bed but younger Mikey's bed.
He's curled up in his blanket and he's rocking back and forth- I mean I'm curled up and rocking back and forth. This is messing me up.
"It's not really, it's not real..." Little me whispers over and over.
"I remember this..."I whisper to Donnie.
Suddenly little me jumps out of bed.
"Donnieeee!" Little me cries and he takes off running. My Donnie and I follow after him.
Little me barges into Little Donnie's room and he jumps onto the bed. "Donnie!" He cries and he violently shakes Little Donnie. "Wake up Donnie!"
Little Donnie sits up quickly and he grabs my shoulders. "Are you okay, what's wrong?" He asks.
"You can't go to bed, I don't want the sewer monster to eat your toes! And I can't go to sleep because I don't want him to eat my toes too!" I break out sobbing- I mean Little me does. "Please Donnie don't let it get my toes!"
"What are you talking about!?"
"Raphie said there is a big sewer monster w-who is going to eat my toes while I sleep," I sniffle.
"Mikey," Little Donnie sighs and he whispers away Little Mikey's tears
I glance at my Donnie, this is really embarrassing. I can feel my cheeks getting hotter...I don't know why it would be embarrassing though. Donnie is here too...But I fell for Raph's stupid, stupid prank!
Donnie seems happy Donnie I mean. He's smiling and he's leaning on his staff as he watches the younger us.
"Raph was teasing you." Little Donnie whispers. "There is no sewer monster."
"B-but Raph said-"
"Raph was trying to tease you, and that wasn't very nice of him."
"Do you promise?"
"I promise there is no sewer monster. You can go to sleep now."
"Donnie?" Little news asks and I pick up a little brown bear Donnie had next to him.
"Mhm?" Little Donnie yawns.
"C-could I sleep in here? Just to be safe!"
"Sure, Mikey." Little me crawls in bed next to Donnie and I go under the covers. The snuggle up against Donnie and I hug is bear.
You know, Donnie gave me that bear the next time I had a nightmare. He promised that it would keep me safe. That bear was one of the few things I was able to take when we left our lair in the city. I still have, it's in my bed.
"Donnie?" Little me whispers again.
"Hm?" Donnie grunts in response. Even the Now me can tell that he's barely awake.
"Can you read me a book?" Donnie sighs and he sits up. He grabs a book off of his nightstand.
"The only book I have here is about physics." Little Donnie says and he laid back down.
"That's okay."
Donnie sighs and he opens the book to his book mark. As he starts reading out loud little be snuggles even closer. I can see a tint of pink and a smile appear on little Donnie's face.
I turn to my Donnie-
"We have to go, now." My Donnie says and he grabs my hand. As I take a step I wince loudly.
"Donnie, it hurts!" I cry out softly and I look down at my ankle. I'm leaving a trail of blood behind me, there is even a puddle.
I can still hear Little Donnie reading in the background.
"We have to go I still want to show you a little more." My Donnie says and he tugs on my arm. "We are running out of time!" He say's anxiously. I take a deep breath and I let him lead me back into the time machine.
It's the same thing, he presses his buttons, we shake like a freakin' blender, then everything just stops.
Donnie opens the door and when we step out we are in Donnie's lab back home.
There we are.
Donnie and I walk over to where the younger us are. I think we are about twelve.
Donnie is sitting at his desk and he's putting a wheel back on a skateboard Sensei found for me.
I remember this day to! It was genuinely the best day of my life.
"That should be good," Younger Donnie says as he finishes tightening a screw.
"Thank you Donnie! You're the best!" Younger me gives Donnie a big hug.
Not only can I see the happiness in my Younger face, but Donnie, he looks even happier. Why? Is he blushing?
"Here," Donnie says and he hands younger me the skateboard. "Make sure you wear a helmet!" He yells as the Younger me runs out of his lab.
I start to follow the younger me but my Donnie holds me back.
"Just wait here," he says.
"Oh okay."
Younger Donnie is cleaning up from the mess he made while working in my skateboard.
About ten minutes later Younger me peaks his head in the door.
"Donnie?" He says quietly. I can tell he's ashamed- oh that's right. I fell when I attempted to do my first trick. I skinned my arm.
"Yeah Mikey? It's it working okay?"
"I hurt my arm." Younger me sniffles. Donnie smiles softly in response.
"Come here," he says and he clears off his table.
Younger me walks over to his table and I put my skateboard on the ground. I watch as little me takes off the helmet Donnie had made for me too.
I hop up onto Donnie's table and he gets his first aid kit. He always seems to have one of those whenever someone needs one.
"What happened?" Younger D asked as he starts to clean my arm.
"I tried to do a wheelie but I fell." Younger me sighs as Donnie starts taping up my arm.
"It's okay, I'm sure you'll figure it out."
Little Donnie says as he finishes wrapping me up.
I look at my Donnie and he looks back at me.
Now that I think about it, Donnie has always been there for me. Especially when I got hurt. If I cried, he was always the first one there.
"Thanks Donnie," Younger me whispers and he leans in for a hug.
"We have to go." My Donnie says.
"Wait!" I try to protest but I get yanked back into the time machine.
I wanted to see their hug...I haven't gotten a hug in so long. And I remember exactly how our hug felt that day, it felt like I was safe and I felt like I was truly loved. I would do anything to feel that again now. "I have one more thing to show you." Donnie stays and he presses a bunch of buttons.
We go flying through space and time again before everything comes to a stand still.
"Donnie, I don't feel good." I mumble and I grab onto his arm.
"Just hang on a little longer." He says and he puts his arm around my hip to help me stand.
He opens the door and we we walk out Donnie and I are in the dojo. The Younger us are fighting- for training of course.
Why did he bring me here? This looks like it was two years ago, or one year? I think we are thirteen. Maybe even fourteen.
I watch as Younger Don tackles Younger me. He knocked my weapons out of my hands and he's pinning me to the floor. He is has my hands pinned down with his own hands, and he's using his body weight to pin the rest of me.
"Donnie!" Right now me cries. "Why did you bring me back here, I've tried so hard to forget this!" I can feel my eyes watering but it feels like I'm crying through my ankle....if that makes sense.
"Just watch."
"I don't want to!"
"Just let me-" Younger Donnie paints. "Catch my breath." He says and he tips his head down. He rests his forehead in my plastron. Him and I are both breathing heavily.
"Don," Younger me says between breaths.
"Yeah, Mikey?" Donnie says and he looks down at me. Even now my heart is racing and my palms are getting sweaty. I can't bare to look at my Donnie.
Younger us are so close...our faces are only inches apart. Both of our faces are glowing red.
We are starting at each other, both of us are searching for words to say.
Donnie starts to lean in- closer to me.
I sigh and I turn my back to them. I can watch this again. I can't relive it again.
"Donnie," I say- Younger me I mean.
"S-Sorry!" Donnie says and he gets off of me quickly "I- I didn't- I was just- Sorry." Donnie says and he rushes out of the dojo. I hug myself tightly want I stare at the ground. I didn't even have to see Donnie's face to remember the embarrassment and the heartbreak that showed in his eyes.
"Come back..." Younger me whispers. I think it hurts more the second time.
"Donnie-" I start to speak to my Donnie but I collapse.
My Donnie takes me back to the time machine and he lays me down on the floor.
"I need your help Mikey." Donnie says and he holds my head in his lap. "Please help me."

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