Chapter 16

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On the Lily of the valley conference, the stadium was filled with so many Audience,

Goodshaw:Welcome to the lily of valley conference where sinnoh league is starting and this year there are 84 competitors  who have won the 8 Gym badges of this region, who are participating in this league.The 1st round will be 2-on-2,2nd round Will be 3-on-3,3rd round will be 4-on-4 and the semi finals and the Finals will be 6-on-6 battle.I wish you luck to the trainers who ever is participating in this year's Sinnoh League.The competitors who are battling each other will be seen in the screen.Our 1st battle begins in 5 minutes.

Then cheers were heard from the Audience.

Commentary: Our 1st battle is btwn Jack from celestial city and Ash Ketchum from pallet town who won 2 conferences and a runner up.

Jack is a guy with trainer jacket and trainers pant with green eyes and violet hair.

On the VIP Box.

Lancet:I didn't know Ash is participating, He was the runner up in Johto.

Steven:Ya, you're right Lance he won Hoenn league.

Cynthia:You both know about Ash.

Steven:He had helped me to defeat Team Aqua and Team Magma.who is this beautiful woman with you.

Cynthia:This is Chloe, she is a friend of mine and Ashy.

Lance:Ashy, so you already hooked him.said with a Smirk.

???:Who is this trainer named Ash.

Lance:Alder,He is a friend  of mine  but he is really strong. When he challenged me in an unofficial match he only used his Charizard which is a power house he defeated my full team with it, But I haven't seen him using his Charizard in any league.

Steven:Same has happen to me when he was in Hoenn, he defeated my ace Pokemon with his Sceptile which is a powerhouse it has a stick in its mouth, I haven't seen  any Sceptile who puts a stick in its mouth.

Cynthia:So, you both have been challenged by him,but I haven't challenged by him.There's a trainer named Tobias competing in this who has a Darkrai.

Steven:The nightmare Pokemon.


Referee:This is a 2-on-2 battle between Jack and Ash Ketchum Trainers sent your Pokemon.
Both of them nodded.

Ash/Jack:Battle time/Come on out.

From jacks Pokeball came a Persian.

From Ash's side Meowth jumped from his shoulder and took a battle stance.

Jack:Persian use shadow ball.
Persian made a ball which is violet in color towards Meowth.

Ash:Meowth use iron tail I said through Aura.
Meowths tail glowed in metallic color and deflected the shadow ball.

Jack:Persian use slash attack.
Persians claw which glowed in white color and charged towards Meowth.

Ash:Meowth use shadow claw and follow it with Thunderbolt.I said through Aura.
Meowths both claws covered in ghostly energy and which is like a claw and blocked the slash attack and then he used a thunderbolt point blank which hit Persian and it fainted.

Commentary:Wow would you look at that Ash's Pokemon attacked the Pokemon with his command.

Referee:Persian is unable to battle Meowth wins this battle sent out your last Pokemon.

Jack:Persian return and he sent out his next Pokemon which is Tortera.

Ash:Meowth return and he climbed back to my right shoulder and then I sent put my Bug and steel type  Scizor.who is bigger than it's species.

Referee:Battle btwn Tortera and Scizor.

Jack:Tortera use Rock throw.
Tortera used rock throw and sent it towards Scizor.

Ash:Scizor,use Agility and Quick attack and follow it up with x scissor.
Scizor flew towards Scizor with white light and dodged all the rocks and Slashed Tortera with an X scissor, which is a effective move and fainted.

Referee:Tortera is unable to battle Scizor wins the battle goes to Ash Ketchum of Pallet town.

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