Chapter 21

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Ref:Hitmonlee is unable to battle and Ursaring wins ref said.

Barry:You did great Hitmonlee now return, Heracross come on out, Barry said.

Paul:Return Ursaring Magmortar stand by for battle.

Ref:Begin ref said.

Barry:Heracross use megahorn, Barry commanded.

Paul:Magmortar, Dodge and use thunder punch, Paul commanded.

Heracross ran towards Magmortar while it's horn glowing white, but Magmortar dodged it and hit Heracross with a powerful thunder punch, which hit Heracross and it paralysed,

Barry:Heracross what will I do now,I don't even have any strategy now Barry thought.

Paul:use Flamethrower, Paul

Magmortar fired a powerful Flamethrower at Heracross and Heracross fainted.

Ref:Heracross is unable to battle,Magmortar wins,sent out your last pokemon,Ref said.

Barry:Thnx Heracross, Empoleon come on out Barry commanded.

Ref:Begin, ref said.

Barry:Use Aqua jet, Barry commanded.

Paul:Use Thunder punch, Paul commanded.

Empoleon used aqua jet and charged towards Magmortar but magmortar used Thunder punch which hit The Aqua jet and it paralyzed Empoleon, Empoleon was weak, but suddenly Empoleon glowed blue, because of Torrent it raises water type pokemons attack .

Barry:Was that torrent,now empoleon we got only one shot ok, Use hydropump, Barry commanded.

Paul:Magmortar use sunny day and then use solar beam, Paul commanded.

Empoleon launched a powerful hydropump towards Magmortar but Magmortar dodged it and then Magmortar used Solar beam it was powerful because of the sunny day and Magmortar launched it at Empoleon and it hit Empoleon and Then Fainted.

Ref:So Empoleon is unable to battle  and Barry has no pokemon to battle so Magmortar wins this match Paul wins this Battle.

Commentry:So we have only 8 trainers left so it'll be a 6-On-6 battle, commentary said.The trainers who are battling against other trainers name are in the screen,

Random vs Random

Tobias vs Random

Random vs Random

Paul vs Ash

Ash was surprised but he just smirked and said, you've no idea what's gonna hit you paul.

I have only my battle in 3 days, ok I'll train,Ash thought.

Ash:Pikachu,Meowth you both won't be battling Paul,ok,Ash asked and Both of them nodded.

Chloe:So, Ashy who are you using, Chloe asked Ash.

Ash:It's a Surprise, Ok, you're not battling ok, Ash replied and Chloe pouted.

Chloe:So you're using that  2 Fire demons, Chloe asked.

Ash:Smirked and nodded, they both are gonnabattle against Paul and also battle against Tobias, Ash replied.

After 3 days
The battle between Paul and Ash is Gonna start after sometime.

Ash:Infernape, you'll be battling last,Staraptor you'll be battling,Gallade u will be battling,Garchomp you also will battle,he said to his pokemon.

On the stadium

Commentary:This battle is between Paul Shinji from Vielstone city vs Ash Ketchum of pallet town,Commentary said.

Ref:This is a 6-on-6 battle between Paul vs Ash,sent out your pokemon, ref said.

Ash/Paul:Staraptor battle time/Gastradon  stand by for battle, both of em said.

From Ash's pokeball a Staraptor came out which is bigger than normal Staraptor.

From Paul's pokeball a Gastradon came out.

Ref:Begin he said as moved away from there.

Paul:Gastradon use ice beam, he commanded.

Gastradon charged an Ice attack at Staraptor.

Ash:Staraptor I think you'll battle your own as Ash said as She nodded.

Staraptor dodged the attack and Charged at Gastradon with Aerial Ace and then charged with Close combat, which she attacked Gastiadon with wings and her legs after sometime Gastiadon fainted.

Ref:Gastradon is unable to battle so Staraptor wins sent out your next pokemon, ref said.

Paul:Return he said as let out Weavile,.

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