Chapter 25

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Ref:Battle between Latios and what's that pokemon's name.


Ref:Battle between Latios and Kyurem begin.

Ash:You battle your own.
Kyurem nodded.

Latios used Flamethrower and Kyurem countered it with Dragon pulse.... Latios uses Extreme speed and Giga impact combination,Kyurem uses Blizzard to slow down Latios's speed and then uses Ice beam which is effective on Latios due to Dragon typing....... Latios used Sunny day and Solar beam but it Counters by Kyurem by double team and Hyper beam Combination......Latios is barely standing but Kyurem ended the battle with a Gigantic Shadow ball......

Ref:Latios is unable to battlebattle..... Winner is Kyurem.....Trainer Tobias hand over Latios's pokeball to Trainer Ash......Tobias didn't say a word and hands over Ash Latios's pokeball.

Ash heals latios and returns Latios to his Pokeball and Chooses his third Pokemon which is a Shiny Rayquaza and Tobias Chooses Raikou.

At the VIP Box

Steven:*Shocked*He even Got a Rayquaza,But a Shiny one and Bigger than normal one.

Lance:How many legendary pokemon does he have.

Alder:we'll have to wait and see.

At the battle field

Ref:This is a battle between Rayquaza and Raikou,battle begin.

Ash:You know what to do,as Rayquaza nodded.

Raikou uses Electric terrain and uses wild charge.Raquaza flies high then uses Dragon rage.... Raikou's wild charge misses but Rayquaza's Dragon rage doesn't miss and hits Raikou. Raikou suffered a high
Amount of Damage but he shrugged it off then he used thunder strike.... Rayquaza gets hit by thunder strike and gets a good amount of Damage
Then he uses Dragon dance to maximize his attack level then uses Dragon Ascent...... Raikou gets hit and Faints.....

Ref:Raikou is unable to battle which means Rayquaza wins this battlebattle..... Trainer Tobias hand over Raikou's pokeball to Trainer Ash.....Tobias Gritted his Teeth and Handed over Raikou's pokeball to Ash....

Tobias Chooses Shiny Metagross and Ash chooses Zekrom....

Alder:He even has Zekrom then I know what it means he has the Tao Trio with him.

Lance:Wow, Is it another unovan Legendary pokemon, Alder.

Alder:Yes,it is it is an Electric and Dragon pokemon,it's a Legendary pokemon.

At the Battle field

Ash:Zekrom you know what to do,Zekrom nodded.

Metagross attacks with a Flash cannon and Zekrom counters it with Flamethrower which destroys the Flash cannon and Hits Metagross.....
Metagross uses Giga impact but Zekrom catches him and uses a point blank range Flamethrower then he spins Metagross with extreme speed and throws him to the ground..... Metagross barely standing Zekrom uses his Signature move Fusion bolt which causes explosion and then the Smoke filled the Battle field..... When smoke dissapears Metagross is seen Fainted......

Ref:Metagross is unable to battle..... Zekrom wins the match....... Trainer Tobias hand over Metagross's pokeball to Trainer Ash.....Tobias hands over Metagross's Pokeball to Ash.....

Tobias Chose Dragonite and Asg returns Zekrom and Sents out his Charizard the Titan who is 4x bigger than normal Charizard.....Then Charizard releases a huge Flamethrower at the sky which increases the Temperature and Lands a huge thud which shakes the entire Stadium.....

At the VIP box

Lance:He finally released his Beast who fought Entei,Articuno and the Strongest psychic legendary pokemon Mewtwo and last time it was not big like this.

Alder:*Shocked*You're saying that his Charizard, defeated Legendary pokemon.

Flint:When I saw him last time he was Stronger as a fire type elite 4, I can feel the power of the Charizard.

At the Battle field

Ref:Battle between Dragonite vs Charizard begins.

Ash:Charizard,You can do Whatever you want,Charizard Smirked.

Dragonite used Thunder on Charizard but it didn't affect Charizard a bit,bcoz it was weaker than Pikachu's Thunder.Charizard became bored and ended the battle in one shot with a Blast burn.....

Ref:Dragonite is Unable to battle Charizard wins, Trainer Tobias hand Over Dragonite's pokeball to Trainer Ash.....Tobias gritted his teeth in anger because he is losing very badly.....He still handed over Dragonite's pokeball to Ash.....

Tobias Chose his Last pokemon who is a Garchomp which was his Starter,Ash returned his beast and Sent out Pikachu who was his starter pokemon.....

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