Chapter 7

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(Dipper pov)

I glance at the clock on the night stand and see the digital numbers read 1:35, it being otherwise completely dark in the room. I tense up feeling arm snake around my bare tosro, his bare chest against my  back, his body rising and falling with his breathes. I clench the sheets tightly in my hand to keep myself from doing anything that could possibly wake or disturb him.

I hear my phone vibrate on the nightstand. I pick it up and turn it on, making sure the brightness is all the way down as I look at the test message, it being from Bill and just being a picture of my front door meaning he's outside. I set the phone down and as slow and gentle as I can to not wake him I carefully raise Jame's arm so I can slip off the bed before I set his arm down again.

I grab my boxers and hoodie off the floor pulling them on before I tiptoe out of the room and down the stairs exiting the house.

I see Bill standing there by what I presume is his car, wearing sweats and a black shirt and normal sneakers. I shiver as I make my way to him. "I thought I told you to leave me alone. If he find out you're here again-"

"I know I know so I'll make this quick. I found out you were right about why the cops won't help you, I talked to several of them and they all said they were told to come out here when calls were made about noise distubances from your house but instead of actually investigating they just would radio in saying nothing was wrong. When I pressed why they did this they stated pretty plainly that if it's two dudes having a domestic dispute it's different than if it was a guy and a woman."

"So why are you here?"

"I know you won't come to the station to make an official statement then just make one right here with me. I can record it and use my phone to take pictures of any marks to use as evidence."

" really want to help me that bad?"

"Of course I do. So will you help me put an end to this?" I give him a small nod. He takes out an audio recorder from his pocket and pushes the button so it's recording. "State your name and your abuser's name for the record."

"Dipper Mo-......Dipper Pines and James Morgan."

"How long has James Morgan been hurting you."

"Verbally and emotionally, he's been doing it since he and I were in high school. But the physical and mental abuse started after I married him during my first year of college."

"What exactly does he do?"

"He hits me if I don't follow his strict protocal. If there is one wrinkle in his clothes, if I washed the dishes counter clockwise instead of clockwise, if I simply talk to other people without asking him first he will hit me. He knows not to do it where anyone can see so most of it is on my arms or stomach where I can hide it. Sometimes it will be on my face but if it leaves a mark he won't let me out of the house until the mark fades. He had the locks changed so he can literally lock me in the house and he is the only one with keys in or out."

"What about work? "

"He forced me to quit my job. He didn't like knowing that for hours everyday I wasn't where he wanted me to be. He wants me to be like a housewife, not my own person. He would beat me for hours and mentally abuse me saying I didn't appreciate him enough to stay at home and care for things while he supported us. When that didn't work he locked me in a closet. Wouldn't give me food or water until I agreed to quit my job."

"Does....has he sexually assaulted you?"

"'s to a point where even though I don't want it, I can't fight back because that only makes it worse....." I feel tears slowly spreading down my face.

He turns the recorder off and gently wipes away my tears before he takes pictures of the bruises on my arms. "I will do what I can to make sure he gets arrested and thrown in jail. I promise."

He goes to leave and I think of something else I should warn him about. "Bill wait." He turns to me. "James doesn't allow me to lock my phone, and he uses it to isolate me from friends and family. He'll send messages from it to people saying awful things to them and saying I don't want to see them. And because it's from my phone, they think it's from me. So if you get a message, saying things like that it isn't me saying it."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind. You should go inside and get some sleep." He gets in his car and drives away.

I silently go back into the house quietly shutting the door when I fear his footsteps on the stairs coming towards me. Not knowing what else to do I go into the kitchen grabbing  cup just as he flips the kitchen light on, it taking me a bit to get used to. "What are you doin up this early?" I see him standing there in nothing but hs boxers.

"I'm sorry.....I was thirsty and didn't want to wake you...."

"Why is your sweatshirt on then?"

"I was cold once I got out of bed."

"Well get out drink then let's go."

I fill up the cup partially with water and quickly gulp it down before setting the cup down and wiping my mouth on the back of my hand. Putting his arm around my waist he turns the light off and leads me back to our bedroom. I hear him climb in bed under the covers.

"Sweatshirt off."

Obeying him I take the hoodie off and get in bed with him, shuddering feeling his body pressed up against mine knowing I will never be able to sleep with him this close to me every again.

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