Chapter 8

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(Dipper pov)

I lean on the shopping cart tiredly as he looks over different bottles of wine. He got promoted at work so now we are shopping so I can make him a big dinner tonight.

I rub my eyes tiredly as James puts a bottle of wine in the cart and I follow him as he pushes the cart to the next asile where someone else seems to have a hard time choosing spices. "Hey man, can you move?" James says not even trying to hide the rudeness in his voice.

"Oh my bad." As he moves my eyes widen realizing it's Bill. Oh fuck.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?"

"Um.....I don't think so."

"Mason, he looks familiar doesn't he?" James gives me a look and I know if I don't tell him where he knows Bill from that things at home will be worse for me.

"He was at Pacifica's wedding last week. I bumped into him just as we were leaving."

"That's right." He grabs a few things as he pushes the cart away, pulling me with him.

Once he pays for everything and we get it loaded in the car he drives us back home and it's silent for quite a while before he speaks up again. "Do you remember that guy's name?"

"No, no I don't."

"But you talked to him at the wedding."

"Only briefly, we didn't really say much to each other and Pacifica never really talked about him to my knowledge."

"Hm....make sure not to fuck up dinner or I'm not going to be happy."

He parks outside our building and goes inside leaving me to take care of everything.

I manage to bring all the groceries into the kitchen and put them all in their proper places before I start cooking dinner.

About 3 hours goes by as I finish cooking his dinner. Steak, rare, with a side of corn and mashed potatoes for him and just a small salad for me. I set the table with our food and pour him a glass of wine, knowing he never allows me any even if it's an important occassion. "James, dinner is ready."

I sit at the table as he comes down the stairs. He sits across from me and downs half his wine before he starts on his actual food, cutting into the stead as it bleeds onto his plate. I put a small forkful of salad into my mouth as blood drips down his chin ffrom his steak. I look away to try and focus on my own food. I only get through half my salad before I set my fork down.

"You should finish." I look up at him seeing he finally wiped the blood away as he finishes his glass of wine and just pours himself more.

"I can't. I was cleaning earlier and had a late lunch. I feel like I'll burst if I eat any more."

"Maybe next time you should just skip lunch altogether. Even with the salads and shakes you still could lose a few pounds."

"I know....."

"Then maybe do something about it for once, you fucking pig."

I remain silent and just look down at my hands as I hear his silverware scrape against his plate.

I look up once I hear his chair scrape against the floor meaning he's finished. I get up gathering the plates and silverware and take them to the kitchen. I put the rest of my salad into the garbage before I put everything into the sink and grab the sponge to do the dishes. "Leave them."

He grabs my wrist making me drop the sponge as he pulls me upstairs. I can tell by the alcohol and his behavior exactly what he wants.

I stop walking once we're at the top of the stairs, knowing he won't listen but I at least have to try. "James, it's been a very very long day and I'm tired and not really in the mood."

"Am I not good enough for you, Mason?"

"No, that's not it at all James. Please just listen-"

"Tonight is supposed to be a very special night and instead of making it special you have just been ruining it!" His hands shove my chest sending me falling back and rolling down the stairs landing on the first floor with a painful scream, having hear something in my right arm crack.

James walks down the stairs and just grabs my good arm pulling me up roughly to my feet and back upstairs to our room. He pushes me on the bed as tears roll down my cheeks slowly. "James-"

"Just shut the fuck up and I will take you to the hospital in the morning. For now just don't make a damn sound."

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