Chapter 12

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(Dipper pov)

3 days. He has kept me locked in this fucking closet for 3 fucking days. I can't take it anymore, I can't breathe and if I have to spend one more second in here then I will lose any fucking sanity that I have left.

My hands search the ground around me for anything I can use when I feel a bobbypin under my fingers. I pick it up putting it in the lock and after some struggle I manage to get it unlocked, quickly opening the door and falling onto the ground crawling out of the closet gasping for fresh air.

Hearing my phone vibrate I look over seeing it under the coffee table. I pick it up and turn it on seeing that Bill has called and texted me over a hundred times. My phone vibrates more as his name and number appear on screen and it takes me a minute to realize that he is calling me again. Gulping nervously I answer the call.

"Dipper, a-are you okay?! I have been calling for three days a-and I thought...I don't know what I thought....."

"I.....I-I can't do this anymore......he is going to kill me at this rate.....I thought if I could just be perfect for him then everything would be alright b-but it is getting harder a-and he keeps getting more violent....I don't know what to do....."

"Dipper, listen to me. I am coming to get you. Pack a bag and wait for me. I have officers waiting to arrest James, they are just waiting for the warrent so they can get evidence from his house as well. I am on my way just hold on."


I head upstairs getting a suitcase out of James' closet and start putting my clothes into it when I hear a car outside. I peek through the bedroom window and my eyes widen seeing his car pulling into the driveway. "B-Bill, h-he's here early.....he just pulled in....."

"Fucking damnit! Look this doesn't change anything alright. I am coming right now."

"Y-You have a way to record this call?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're going to want to record this." I put the phone on speaker and go over to James' desk, hiding the phone among the other clutter.

I tense up hearing the front door slam shut and his loud feet storm up the stairs until I can tell he has entered the room. "You aren't supposed to be out of the closet yet. You know you have to stay in there like the bad little bitch you are until I decide to let you out."

Grabbing an envelope opener I turn to him and point it in his direction. "S-Stay away...."

He smirks as he slowly starts walking towards me. "And just what do you think you're doing?"

"I-I'm leaving. I have let you fuck with my life since I was too young and stupid to know better, I am not letting you do it anymore."

"This is the payment I get for taking care of you all these years and protecting you in high school?"

"You never fucking protected me! If I chose to do something on my own free will, you paid the jocks to beat me up and in exchange you did their homework for them! Mabel found the proof after the first time, I just didn't want to believe her."


"My name is Dipper! And you never took care of me! Demanding that I be your fucked up idea of perfect is insane! You don't want a partner, you just want a mindless slave to do housework and fuck without any arguments! You have destroyed my sanity! You sexually and physically assaulted me for years and I am done with it!"

"You aren't thinking straight. This is why you have to take the shakes-"

"You have been drugging my shakes with an illegal drug that in theory makes someone more complicit to listen to whatever they are told. I saw you put the pill in my shake every morning for the past year. But the pills never fully dissolved before you handed me the shake so I always made sure to catch them in my teeth and spit them out later."

His smirk falls and I see he's trying to control his rage. "If you know what is good for you, get your fucking ass over here you little shit." He reaches for me but I cut him with the envelope opener, him retracting his hand in pain as his blood oozes from the cut. "Fuck! You fucking little bitch!"

I swipe at him again but he manages to grab my wrist twisting it painfully forcing me to drop the envelope opener before he punches me hard across the face knocking me to the ground and splitting my lip open.

He lunges at me but I barely manage to dodge him and he instead crashes into his desk.

I get up and start to run away but he grabs my ankle tripping me and tries to pull me back over to him. "Get the fuck back here!"

"No no no! Let go!" I frantically kick trying to make him let go.

I hear him yell in pain as my foot makes contact with his face, blood pooling from his broken nose as he finally let's go of me.

I make a run for the stairs and am about halfway down when he tackles me from behind sending both of us painfully down the stairs, something in my already broken arm cracking again making me scream in pain.

Before I can move he gets on top of me, one hand pinning down my left arm while the other wraps around my neck choking me.

I kick and struggle desparately trying to get air into my lungs knowing it's useless.

I am about to give up as darkness dances in my vision when I hear the front door get kicked open. "Police! Hands up where we can see them!"

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