Chapter 30- Keeping a secret

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The 2 days in Utah went too quickly, but that was mostly due to the fact we never left our hotel room! We only left to go to the football game.. which we won! So my weekend was the best! I got my two loves back, Ian and football!

Being with Ian again made me feel whole again.. I felt complete, and I know that’s all lovey- dovey crap… but its true! I don’t think I could physical or mentally handle being apart from Ian.. my body couldn’t take the strain.. I never want us to be apart and the only think, or should I say the only person getting in our way is Richard! As long as we don’t tell anyone and keep our secret quiet then no one will have to get hurt- hopefully…


It had been 5 weeks since our weekend getaway and as I struggle through the crowds in the school hallway, its seems that of a distant memory!

Ian has surprisingly been good at keeping our secret. We act like casual friends in front of everyone and then when we’re alone… oh when we’re alone! I couldn’t shake the smile off my face from think of Ian, of his body… the way his sweat dripped down his pecks and down is perfectly sculptured abs while we have sex!

Oh no… I was starting to get turned on, just from the though of him.. of him inside of me! My checks flushed red and I quickly looked around seeing if anyone had noticed my dirty thoughts.. but no one did.  Sighhhhh! Everyone was just focused on fighting their way through the crowds to their next lessons

Next thing I knew, hands appeared from nowhere and pulled me into an empty, dark classroom. My kidnapper locked the door behind us before pushing me against it and trapping both my hands above my body in one of his, while the other covered my mouth to silence me… I started to panic and fight against my strong opponent!

“AHHHHH” I tried to scream through his hand.. the room was too dark, I couldn’t see his face.. but he smelt familiar..

“Shhhhh” The hand covering my mouth moved and gently caressed my cheek, soothing my screams and panic. My kidnapper moved into the light shinning from one of the Chemistry windows.. It was Ian!! My heart sank and I instantly relaxed..

“I thought you were going to kill me!!!” I shouted, angry and relived.

“Shhhh! You don’t want people to hear us.. and we have to be quick before students start to come in the classroom…” Ian shot me a devilish smile… no.. he doesn’t want to do it here!!

“no Ian.. not..” I was silenced by his lips. My lips instinctively started to move with his, passionately and roughly. He bites my bottom lip asking for entrance to my mouth which I gladly give to him and our tongues start to dance. Ughhhh he tasted so sweet I couldn’t resist!

Wrapping his free arm around my waist he pulls me closer to him and I instinctively wrap my lags around him, holding me in place as his other had lets my hands free and start to explore my body. I pull away from Ian and gape at his hansom face and shot him a look saying ‘are we really going to do this here.. with people just outside the door!’

With my dress now scrunched up at my waist, he unzipped his pants and pulls my panties to the side, slipping his huge shaft into my wet and wanting pussy.. “I’m so glad you wore a dress..” He grunted softly in my ear.

He lifts me slowly off his cock before filling me again, picking up the rhythm and my body was exploding with pleasure…

Students from outside banged on the door as the halls filled, but I’m not paying attention.. I am only focused on every move Ian makes.. His fingers now sliding to my clit and I moan into Ian’s chest to try and silence it but it was no use, the pleasure was too much! His fingers relentlessly circling my clit while he fills me over and over until I explode around him…

After a few more thrust, Ian joins me in my climax and we slide to the floor in each other’s arms. Panting hard, trying to catch our breaths.

“Come on.. we need to go…” Ian lifted us both up and pulled himself from me, as he did I winced with pleasure as he rubs my throbbing pussy on his exit!


Tonight my football practice was cancelled, so I thought I would walk home and take in summers fresh air.. the sun rays gently stroking my face, so peaceful!

As I strolled out the school gates and bump into a hard wall forcing me to fall on my arse!

“Owww!” I looked up to find a huge man in a black suit and black sunglasses in my way, looking down at me with no emotion on his face!

I dusted myself off, “Hay watch were you’re going!” why was he just randomly standing there!! But he didn’t respond to my anger, instead he just stepped aside giving me full view of the Limo he was guarding… Ian? No he was at football practice.. then… RICHARD!!

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