Chapter 29- Wake up

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My eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the light. I feel so refreshed after having the best sleep I've had in a long time!

My body felt a little stiff and as I tried to stretch out something strong wrapped tighter around my waist and arms. I jumped, shocked until I realised it was Ian asleep and hugging onto my body... both of us still very naked!

Heat rushed to my cheeks with embarrassment from the contact of his skin on mine, with nothing to hide my shame behind. We did it! No no no!! I needed to stay away from him, but instead I sleep with him!!!

I tried pushing my self away again, but the more I struggled, the tighter Ian pulled me to his muscular chest. He was awake!!

"Get off me Ian!"

"I'm never letting you go, never again!"

"We have to get ready for practice"

Ian started laugh, deep, vibrating against me.. sending delicious shivers through my body! "Its already 12.. we're already late so we might as well miss it"

"WHAT!" I pushed with all my strength again.. so warm, inviting, but I had to stay focused and to do that I needed to be away from him so I can think clearly! But it was no use, he's too strong and I couldn't move away.

"Please Ian... let me go..."

"I can't let you go- not after I've just gotten you back! Please Mia, just tell me why you feel like you have to leave me! I won't get angry or upset if that's what you're worried about"

"Its... nothing..." Ian's getting close to getting the truth out of me and I don't know how much longer I can last while being so close to him... I need to think of something and quick!

"MIA WOULD YOU STOP LYING TO ME!!" Ian's hold got tighter and I could feel his body tense and shake with anger. I should have felt scared but instead I strangely felt safe in his arms.

"Its...I.. " Think brain think! Should I tell him the truth or should it be yet another lie... I hate lying to him but its for his own good! "I got scared okay!? We were getting so close and i've never been with someone, i've never shared my life with another man before so i freaked!" I ended whispering the last part as it hurt saying it out loud.. breaking my heart all over again!

It wasn't the truth but it wasn't a lie either...

Ian's grip loosened and we both sat up, cross legged facing each other. I realised that we were both still naked! My gaze fell to Ian and his man hood, I blushed scarlet and turned to hide my innocent shame as I rustled the covers over myself. Ian's eyes lit with amusement before he used the blankets to cover himself also.

"But what made you so scared all of a sudden? One day we were fine, w both confessed our love and I was the happiest man alive. I was fucking floating on cloud nine. But then the next day you disappear and now you tell me it was going too fast and ended it because you were scared!"

Ian was angry, I had never seen him this way before. I backed away and lowered my head, unable to verbally answer so i just nod.

"That's not fucking okay Mia!"

I flinched at his harsh words as hot tears ran down my cheeks. Ian lifted me and rested me on his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist and arms for comfort and I pushed my head into his chest. "If you had just come to me, told me how you were feeling then we could have sorted this out. Fuck... " Ian sighs "I would have done anything if it meant you staid and save all this heartache"

Ian tried to stay calm for my sake, but I could feel his anger raging through him.. he did truly love me, and it hurt him to hear that I was hurt- it melted my heart, I love him so much!

We just sat there in silence.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered so quiet I hardly heard it myself!

"What for baby?" Ian genuinely sounded confused

"because I'm a disappointment... no wonder no one has loved me before" Ian's grip on my arm tightened as his fingers dug into my skin.. "owww!"

"I'm sorry baby!" Ian's eyebrows pushed together, realising he was taking his anger out on me "I didn't mean to, I love you! I. LOVE. YOU!! Always and forever!" he loved me! Even after everything I had put him trough, he still loved me, he still wanted to be with me.. I had to be with him, we couldn't be apart any longer!!

"Ian..." Anger vanished from his face at the sound of me calling his name. His gaze fell to mine, giving me his full attention "I love you" Light glimmered in Ian's eyes as the corners of his mouth rose into a face splitting smile revelling his perfect pearl teeth.. oh how I've missed this!



"Say it again"

I giggled, but obliged "I love you"

In one swoop Ian lifted me of him and onto the bed. He hovered over me, his hands on either side of me. I giggled, delighted by Ian's joyful expression. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that!"

Ian slowly leaned in for a kiss, I lifted my finger to his lips, stopping him mid-way.

"What's wrong?" confusion replaced Ian's happiness

"We can only do this if you promise not to tell anyone!" Ian smiled again, happy lines formed around his big hazel eyes..

"Tell anyone about what?"

"About us, not even your father, no one!"


"Just not yet, please"

"I promise, but soon! I want everyone to know that you're mine!" Knowing Richard won't find out, I couldn't resist Ian's lips again and so welcomed his plump and firm lips that sent shocks through my body.. oh how I do love this man!!

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