Chapter 1

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Fateh entered the academy happily.

He was feeling happy as he was finally going to marry his Jasmine but don't know why he was feeling sad seeing Tejo go from his house.

He was feeling a little bit of guilt inside for doing all this to Tejo but thinks to ignore it as it was for her own good as he didn't love her and only loved Jasmine.

He was also missing Tejo ever since she left the house, he still didn't know why maybe because she was his friend and he missed her.

He opened the door to Tejo's cabin and was shocked to see Angad Maan sitting there. He was reading some files while sitting on his chair and his legs were on the table.

"Mr. Maan, you here. Do you have any work?" Fateh asked Angad while looking around to see if Tejo was here.

"Oh, Mr. Virk, I was waiting for you only. Yes, I have one work," Angad said and asked his PA to give the file that was in his hand, "I want you to sign these papers."

"What are these papers?" Fateh asked confused as to why Angad Maan was coming here and giving him papers to sign as it was usually Tejo who gave him all this and explained to him what they were.

"Oh, it's nothing, just the Academy ownership papers!" Angad said nonchalantly and shrugged his shoulders.

"Ok....What?" Fateh said when he realized what Angad was talking about.

Angad just raised a very unimpressed eyebrow at him and said, "Mr. Virk, I am a very busy man and I have to go to Mumbai tomorrow. So I need to make the arrangements for going back, so it's better for you to sign these now and let me leave."

"But... but... the academy is in Tejo's name," Fateh spluttered out.

Angad again looked at him like he was the dumbest person in the world, "Mr. Virk, I know that which is why I am asking you to sign the papers so that the academy can go back to your name."

"I need to go talk to Tejo..." Fateh couldn't complete his sentence as Angad interrupted him and said, "Mr. Virk, I am the investor of this academy."

"But still..."

"Mr. Virk, sign those bloody papers now or else look for some other investor, if you don't sign these papers now then I will leave, and if I leave then I as well as you know that no other person will invest in this academy. So now you can decide whether you want your academy to go downhill or not." Angad said while standing up in a very stern voice. Fateh was shocked to see the Angad Maan who was always friendly and playful with Tejo, this serious.

Fateh had no other option other than to sign the papers as he knew Angad's threat was real. If Angad Maan left their academy then no one will invest in it. He knew Tejo will help in the academy even after all this was done as she was his friend (Author: You only want her for this right? To do your work and to solve your family's problems).

"Thanks, Mr. Virk, I will see you in some weeks or maybe months. I don't know as I have a lot of work." Angad said and left with his PA with a smirk on his face. He was happy that he was able to do this for Tejo Ji, now all problems in Punjab for her going to Mumbai are complete. Now he only needs to talk to that Khadoos after reaching Mumbai.

Fateh looked at Angad's retreating figure with confusion, why did he change the ownership of the academy? He was a little happy that the academy was in his name but he didn't know why Angad was so adamant about changing the ownership from Tejo to Fateh. He would just ask Tejo when he goes to meet her tomorrow to talk about the upcoming work in the academy.

Little did he know that by the time he will reach Sandhu's house tomorrow Tejo would have left not only her house but also Punjab for a new start (or an old start) of her life and he will be getting a huge shock.

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