Chapter 2

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"Ok so let me summarize the story, this girl you brought here got married the first time to a man because of her sister's obsession to go to Canada and he turned out to be a fraud, then she got married to her sister's fiancée to save her family's respect because her sister ran away from the wedding, then this totally useless man who does not deserved to be called a man effectively has an affair with his sister-in-law who left him behind his wife's back all the while making his wife solve all his problems and while acting like the perfect husband then he even had the gall to accuse his wife of cheating on him while he was the one cheating, then finally his wife finds out the truth and leaves his house but then his family emotionally blackmails her and makes her comeback to the house where her husband is staying with his mistress, then she even has to take care of the academy which that useless man can't handle and when she finally gets divorced then her father-in-law puts a condition before her that she should get married before her ex-husband and sister otherwise he won't get them married, this is what happened, right?" Aditya asked barely suppressing his fury.

Angad and Tejo had reached Mumbai a few hours ago and Angad had immediately asked the driver to take them to Khanna Mansion. He had asked Tejo to sit in the car while he explained everything to Adi and Amy.

"Yes... No... I mean..." Angad stammered as he didn't know whether to inform them or not about Tejo trying to commit suicide.

"What? Now please don't tell me something else also happened," Amyra said in a horrified voice. She really felt sad for the poor girl who had to go through all this just because of other people's selfishness.

"She tried to commit suicide while jumping into a river and thankfully I happened to see it and saved her life," Angad said, he had no other option, he knew Tejo had promised her family that she won't do anything like that again but he didn't want to take a chance.

Adi and Amy stared at him blankly. Amyra started crying silently while Adi dug his nails into his palm in anger.

"Why would she try to commit suicide? It was not her who did mistake," Amyra asked.

Before Angad could Adi said, "We have something called society Amy, and that society will mostly blame a woman even if the mistake was committed by her husband. After facing all this I am amazed that she decided to leave her home and coming here to people she has never met, it takes a lot of guts to do that."

"You're right Adi, she said that she was tired of being strong far too long and finally wanted to end it all," Angad said sadly remembering what Tejo said to her family.

Angad closed his eyes to suppress his tears, he knew far too well of the burden and stress that comes with being strong in front of the world and acting like nothing was affecting you.

"You know I would have taken her to my house but then she would have felt uncomfortable living with a bachelor and Mom and Dad are also in London and won't be back soon. Here, Amyra is there so I thought of mentioning this option when Uncle Ji said that he was thinking of sending her to Mumbai, and everything happened so fast the I didn't have time to inform you and also I wanted to tell you all of this in person not through phone," Angad said.

"It's alright Angad, we have no problem with your friend staying here and it would be actually nice to have another girl in this house," Amyra said chirpily coming back to her usual self.

"Anyways, you didn't do anything to that cheater husband. I believe you should have taught him a lesson he would never forget," Adi said.

"I have something planned," Angad said smirking while thinking of all the plans he had for Fateh Singh Virk.

"I'll help you," Adi said and Angad smiled seeing his determination, he knew Adi hated betrayal more than anything and he would surely help him teach Fateh and Jasmine a lesson.

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