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*Carry's POV*(present day)
I admit it was great to have John back but something didn't feel right. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I knew it. I looked over at the egg and something strange was happening, it was glowing. I could see this strange shadow in it kind of like it was an embryo. I had hatched chickens before and candle lit them, it looked like this but this wasn't on a light source. I picked it up and held it close to me. It was warm, I held it up to the light to get a better look at the shadow. It started to make a clearer shape, almost like a dragon. I heard my father coming up stairs, I quickly put the egg down, we weren't aloud to hold it. "Carry where you holding up the egg?" My father said. "What? No, I was just looking at it" I said glancing down at it with a smile. The egg was no longer glowing it was dark and the shadow was gone. "Maybe we should take this out of your room and put it in our room" he said moving towards it. "No!" I yelled moving in front of the egg blocking his path. "It's okay in my room" I said trying to sound calm. "Look Carry I'm taking it no ifs ands or buts" my father said sternly. He walked toward the egg and grabbed it but quickly let go of it, it was hot. "God damnit!" He yelled. "What happened?" I asked. " It burned me!" He said back. I was confused. Why didn't it burn me? Did it get hotter? My father left the room and I picked the egg up it felt fine to me it was still warm. My father came in ten minutes later, he saw me holding the egg while sitting on the floor. " Carry! Put that down! It'll burn you!" He said loudly. I put it down and looked at where the egg had been, there was no mark but my father had been badly burned all over his hands and arms. " you're not burned" my father said amazed "But how?". To be honest I didn't know all I knew was that an egg landed in our yard, it glowed and burns others but me. My father backed out of the room and left me there with the egg. I looked at it. "Why are you here?" I said "Why are you here with me?". I was tired, I had a long day. I went to bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow. The next morning I woke up to a strange sound. It was like something was rolling across my wooden floors. I sat up and touched my feet to the cold floor, it made me cringe. I walked forward and looked at the eggs "nest". It was empty. I looked around frantically for the egg. I was about to call my dad when all of a sudden I heard a crack from under my bed... It was the egg. It was hatching.

Hey guys! Sorry it was such a short chapter but I promise the next one with be longer! Did you like the ending? It was a nice cliff hanger I just had to use it! We are already at 77 reads I will right the next chapter if we can gEt to 85!!! I know you guys can do it! Good luck!

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