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I was astonished. It had hatched. I sat in awe staring at this thing under my bed and all of a sudden it looked at me. It opened its eyes and looked at me. It seemed to have been a dragon. It was beautiful, it looked at me with its green eyes, stretched its little wings and got out of its shell. It came over to me. It struggled to walk but when it got to me it climbed in my lap and lied down and fell asleep. The next few hours I sat carefully stroking it. He wasn't my pet, he was my companion. I thought of all the things I could now do, but where would I keep him? Does he shoot fire? Will he burn the house down? Who will I tell of this? I don't want anyone to take him away from me. I put my worrying aside and made a bed for him and went to bed myself.

The next morning I woke up to mumbling outside my bedroom door. It was my parents, I got out of bed and went up to the door and opened it. "Good morning guys" I said happily "What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Your mother and I just wanted to know what this strange noise was that was coming from your room." My father said getting closer to me. He started to push through the door when I interrupted him, "It was nothing I just got bored" I said quickly. He then started to back up so I would loosen the grip I had on my door and with warning he barged through the door in a hurry looking around for something, anything, anything that would make him ask questions or feel happy, he wanted to have some sort of dirt on me to take this egg away from me but it wasn't gonna happen. "What's this?" He said walking towards the dragons empty shell. "IT HATCHED!" "OKAY!" "It hatched" I didn't want him looking around my room any longer and there was nothing he needed to find, there was nothing he wanted to find. "It hatched?" My parents said at the same time. "Yes it did and I was gonna tell you but you barged in here and I got angry, it just came out." I sat down on my bed and pulled a large box out from the other side of it. It had a small mattress like floor and it was lined with blankets. The dragon was curled up inside, I showed it to them but not letting them get to near to it. "This is amazing! When did it hatch?" My father said. "It hatched last night, it can walk and it can defiantly sleep" I answered. My little sister then came through the door and I hid the box, I didn't need her trying to touch it. "What's that?" She said in her baby voice. "It's the egg" my father said "It hatched". She started to reach for it, I pushed her away and said "You aren't allowed to see it or touch it, but maybe at some point you can feed it". I set the box back on the other side of the bed and pushed everyone out of my room.

When I went down stairs everyone was looking at me. I didn't like it. "What are you gonna name it?" My father asked. "I wanna name it!!!" My little sister yelled. "No you can't name it, I found it, I watched it hatch, and so I get to name it!" I snapped back. My sister started to cry, my father was about to yell at me, I guess my mother saw because she told Jessica to be quiet and my father that it was my dragon and I should be the one to take care of it. "Fine" he said with a cocky smirk on his face "That means she has to clean up after it, feed it, etc" "Okay" I said being as cocky as possible. "Watch me"

I ate breakfast and went up to my room. My room was a mess. I had to clean it if I wanted to keep my new friend. I spent all day cleaning, making the home for my dragon luxurious and feeding him little pieces of cooked beef from the fridge. This was the start of a whole new life. What was I going to do to help it? How was I going to help it fly? Was there a dragons 101 guide? I had to figure something out and fast.

*Johns POV*

I was lying in bed when I heard the phone ring, It was Carry. I knew she wasn't calling to hang out, she never calls this early to talk. "Hello?" I said answering the phone. "It hatched" She said excitedly "It finally hatched". "Can I see it?!" I asked, I really wanted to see this thing, I didn't know if it was going to be a gigantic ostrich or some other type of bird or maybe a weird form from outer space. "Sure!" She said, I had a feeling she would say yes considering us being friends again. I rode my bike over and walked into the house right into her room. "Where is it?" I said just walking in "Its here" she said holding out her arm, it was perched on her arm like a bird but close to her chest almost like it was trying to keep warm. I reached out to pet it and she moved backwards out of my hands reach. It sat up and looked at me, I held out my hand to it to let it sniff me. It sniffed me and hissed, I didn't know what was wrong when she hissed at me but then it hit me, I had been reading this book about a dragon slayer and I was wearing a shirt with the main character killing a dragon. I backed up and ran out of the house, I always keep a spare pair of clothes in the milk basket of my bike.(He delivers milk to peoples houses in the jars) I came back in and tried it again, this time was much better, I sat down and she jumped off of Carry and sat on my knee examining me. This was gonna be fun...


Hey guys! I'm sorry it took so long to update, I've been really busy lately and haven't had time but I made up for it by making this chapter a little longer... Hope you guys liked it!!! I will start writing the next chapter now but won't publish it until we get to 155 people reading this and 15 votes, I know it seems quite greedy and annoying but you want to know what happens to the dragon don't you??? Good luck!!!

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