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"So what are you gonna name it?" John said

"I don't know yet, I really want to name it something cute but what? I don't want to name it something like 'Goldie'."

He sat with a look of irritation, I didn't know if it was directed towards me or not. We could only hope not. "What about Eragon?" He said not breaking his gaze from the dragon.

"No, I feel it's a little cheesy. I want to name my dragon something nice and subtle but fiery and fierce at the same time."

He sat pondering for what felt like hours. "What about Azura?"

I sat in awe at the name, I don't know what it was about the name but I loved it. "Azura..." I mused. "Azura... I love it"

This was wonderful. My week was amazing so far, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. If there was anything that was messed up, It would be because of her. The witch, Molly.

As if on cue John asked "Have you heard from Molly recently?"

"No. Have you?" I responded hesitantly

He waited a second before responding to the question "Yeah, I saw her yesterday night. Right after we got off the phone she came to my door in tears..."

I was amazed, Molly in tears? Like this could ever happen! Like this would ever happen. "Really? She came to you? What did she say?!"

"She wanted to be friends again..." He trailed off

"O-oh..." I couldn't say I wasn't surprised or a little jealous. He was my friend and she tried to get to him. John was my only friend and I was his, yeah I had the cheer leading team but they were really just clones of Molly. "What did you say?"

he sighed as if this were to disappoint me "I said as long as you two could get along..."


"She said 'Of course' and ran off to 'go eat dinner'"

Did he not believe her or was he saying these things just to make me satisfied with the answer? "Cool..." I trailed off. I didn't need to say anything that might get him mad at me again, John had a very short temper and that wasn't something I wanted to deal with again.

"So... What do you think of my new dragon?" I said clearly trying to change the subject.

"She's amazing! I really want to study her for my report for Mr. Dunn." He said excitedly

"No! No one can know of this, It can only be you, me and my family. And why are you doing reports for Mr. Dunn? School is over..."

"I'm taking a summer class to get ahead." He said. I didn't know why he wanted to take a summer class especially with Mr. Dunn. He was the worst of all the teachers at our school.

I was about to question him when a rock came in through the closed window. There was class everywhere. I grabbed Azura and ran into my parents room making sure John was behind me every few steps I took.


So I know it has been 5ever since I last updated and this is an extremely short chapter, but recently I have been extraordinarily busy and tired. I will be updating later this week and because I love you I won't make you reach a goal this time. See ya later!!!

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