Members Only

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It was a new shining day as a pristine country could come into view. Various people can be seen as Daffy, somehow, found his way there. Daffy is leaning against a tree and staring at a distant country club. He then tries to get into the Royal Oaks Glen Oaks Oakwood Oaks Country Club and the receptionist, thinking that Daffy's a club member, asks for his membership number.

"One. I'm number one." He said to the receptionist.

"One is not a membership number, sir." She replied with an unimpressed look.

"Did I say 1, I meant 2."

"Sir, if you're not a member, I'm going to ask you to please exit the property." She said kindly.

Daffy did as she asked but said that it would be a waste of his time to be a member of their dumb club but as he left, his ears caught the sound of someone giving their membership number. Soon to be HIS membership number.

"1673, huh?" Daffy repeated before quickly leaving and hiding in some shrubbery outside.

After a surprise shower from a gardener, Daffy re-entered the club as a new receptionist took the front desk.

"Membership number?" She asked him.

"1673." Daffy quickly said before entering the club, heading out to the patio overseeing the golf course. "Looks like I've got myself a new lucky number."

"FORE!" Someone shouted.

"No dummy! 1673!" Daffy yelled before getting hit with a golf ball in the face.

After many days of enjoying the country club, Daffy decided it was time to show Bugs and Kaio how the "other half" live by inviting them as his guests.

"Daffy, be honest with us, how did YOU of all people get a country club membership?" Kaio asked with skepticism.

"I'm rich," The bunny duo didn't believe him for a second.

"No you're not," Bugs said.

"I'm beloved in the community." Daffy said, Kaio nearly snorted at the comment.

"No you're not,"

"Well, then this is a real he said/she said situation. You all could either question me more or we could have a good time." Daffy said. "So what are you guys up for? Golf? Tennis? Swimming? We've got everything here at the R.O.G....uh?"

"The R.O.G.O.O.O.C.C." Bugs finished for him.

"What kind of acronym is that? Anywho, how about some tennis? 2 on 1?" Kaio suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Bug said with a nod.

"Not dressed like that." Daffy said, looking at all of their clothes or the lack of clothes. "Besides, I don't need a partner."

"What's wrong with the way I look?" Kaio said as he raised an eyebrow.

"You must dress to impress here, make them see you belong. Follow me." Daffy said, gesturing to the locker rooms.

"Is that how you were able to blend in?" Bugs quipped as they followed the crazy duck.

"I can see why, 'cause without those clothes, you just scream a pathetic liar." Kaio deadpanned.

After getting the "proper" country club attire and a rather strange tangling that involved meeting some friends Daffy made at the club, the group now at the tennis courts as the black duck was preparing a serve.....on repeat. It was Bugs and Kaio against Daffy.

"Can you hurry?" Kaio asked, now wearing a red polo shirt and beige shorts, though it was tight as he unknowingly gained the attention from women around the club.

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