Double Date

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It was the afternoon as Daffy and Kaio entered a printer store as they were waiting by the counter. Kaio fell asleep with his arm holding his head while Daffy kept ringing the bell. The ringing didn't stop as the woman working at the printer store, a duck woman with blonde feathers and brunette hair while wearing a blue shirt and purple skirt. She appeared to be chewing gum as well before she blew a bubble.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" She asked Daffy and Kaio.

"Daffy Duck, picking up my business cards," Daffy said as he elbowed K.O. off the counter waking him up in the process.

"Dah!" K.O. shouted and stood up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "What I miss?"

"We're getting my business cards." Daddy reminded him.

"Oh right, yeah," Kaio replied, stretching his arms.

The woman reached below the counter and pulled out a small box of business cards, all addressed to Daffy as he examined one. It read, "Daffy Duck, Wizard," in bold and fancy text.

"So, how's the Wizard business treating ya?" She asked him.

"Do you really want to know?" Kaio asks before reading her name tag. "Tina?"

"I do, actually. Unlike most, I still believe in magic." Tina said as she walked to the register.

"See, told ya." Daffy said as Kaio rolled his eyes.

Their neighbor was a witch with real and Daffy thinks he's a wizard? HA! It's laughable.

"If you brag about this, ima show you a disappearing spell." Kaio smirked as Daffy wisely ceases the conversation before turning to Tina.

"Great. Lot's of magic, spells, things like that," Daffy answered.

"That's nice." Tina said as she rounded up the total. "That'll be $250.78."

"That seems a little pricey." Daffy commented.

"Of course it's pricey, you ordered like 300 business cards." Kaio said, raising his eyebrow.

"He's got a point. Will this be cash, credit, or debit?" Tina asked him.

Daffy looked at Tina before pointing both of his hands at the computer. "Price reduce! Reduce!"

Kaio snickered behind his hand as he leaned on the counter and Tina looked on while chewing her gum. Daffy looked at his hands before grunting loudly, trying to get his "magic" to work!

"Take your time, I've got all day." Kaio said with a smirk. "No one else is here yet."

"Silence! I'm concentrating!" Daffy shouted at Kaio! "I command you, machine! Price reduce!"

Daffy realized it wasn't working and saw Tina raising her eyebrow, he grabbed Kaio and put him in front of himself.

"Or I could get my nephew to pay for it." Daffy said.

"You mean the floating clothes?" Tina asked as Daffy saw there were clothes in front of him and no Kaio.

They heard knocking and turned to see Kaio in shorts with his wallet in his hand.

"Sorry not sorry but no. Your business cards, your bill." Kaio said before exiting the store.

"He does release he's practically naked, right?" Tina asked Daffy.

"He does yet he still has the moxie to do that." Daffy says as he drops Kaio's clothes. "Can you take a credit card number? I know it from memory."

"Hmm, sure. That'll work." Tina said with a shrug until Kaio came back for his clothes.

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