The Aftermath

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The day of the cul-de-sac was different than most. Instead of sunny skies, it was pouring ice cold rain with no end in sight. The only thing to look forward to outside would be the thunder and lightning crashing from above.

"Jeez, this is worse than the last rainstorm," Daffy said, looking out the window before turning to Bugs. "Was it a good idea to send Kaio and Sofi to school in a storm like this?"

"Eh, they'll be fine. They'll be inside of the school all day, what's the worst that could happen?" Bugs asks as he has a cup of coffee. "The worst is that power goes out."

"I don't know, Bugs. This looks like hurricane weather." Daffy says with caution. "I think I'll call Tina and tell her to be careful."

"This is the first time I've seen you care for someone else other than yourself." Bugs said, lifting an eyebrow.

"Of course I care," Daffy said, calling Tina. "What do you take me for?"

"A selfish, jobless man that requires others to take care of him." Bugs said blandly as he finished his coffee.

"HEY! I can get a job if I wanted to!" Daffy said as he stomped away to call Tina.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Bugs commented as he went to the kitchen, putting his mug in the sink.

But he never paid attention to a shadow that was behind him as it suddenly pounced on him, tackling him to the ground.

"Got you, Bugs!" The shadow said, its voice sounded feminine.

"Ooh!" Bugs groaned as his back was on the floor. "What the heck, Daffy?"

"I'm not Daffy. I thought you would recognize the wove you love to hear." The feminine shadow said with a smirk on their face.

Bugs suddenly opened his eyes in shock, taking in the sight of who TRULY landed on him.

It was Lola sitting on him with a smirk on her face as Bugs froze in shock.

"I thought you went home yesterday." Bugs said as Lola helped him off the ground.

"Oh I did but Kaio gave me a house key since I'm his mom now." Lola said as she pulled out a key from her pocket.

"Oh, he didn't tell me about that." Bugs said with a blank tone. "He really should've told me that."

"But he doesn't need to, I'm his mom now." Lola said as she gestured to herself.

"But as his father, he needs to tell me things like this." Bugs said as he went back to washing his mug in the sink.

Not a moment later the door knocked, gaining Daffy's attention as he walked to the door and opened it to see Tina and the rest of the neighborhood bearing scared expressions on their faces.

"Tina?! Neighbors?! What are you doing here?!" Daffy asks in shock before they all barge in and shut the door behind them! "And why is Gossamer not in school?"

"Elementary school warning, severe storm! No school but that ain't important right now!" Lezah said as she and Gossamer hugged. "Something BAD is coming!"

"What can be worse than this storm?" Daffy said as  he looked out the window and saw a black limo pulling up by Bugs' house. "Uh oh, Bugs! Code Red!"

"Code Red?" Lola asks, confused.

"Code Red?!" Bugs says as he grips the mug, cracking it severely. "CODE RED?!"

Lola freaked out from this, surprised to see her husband reacting in such a way!

'Just what is Code Red?!' She thought as Bugs rushed into the den!

He saw Granny, Tweety, Sylvester, Witch Lezah, Gossamer, Tina, Daffy, and Yosemite Sam standing in the den scared!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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