Fish and Visitors

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The day was bright and the sky was clear, the perfect conditions for a pool day as almost everyone in the backyard was enjoying the pool. Bugs was wearing sunglasses and pool shorts as he leaned back in a lawn chair to sunbathe. Kaio was in red shorts as he and Sofi were in the pool playing with a beach ball. Sofi wore a pink bikini, The only one not in the pool was Daffy, as he was mowing the grass with a sun hat and orange gloves.

"Why am I stuck doing this?" Daffy said, annoyed.

"Don't you remember that we agree that you do chores for the first 365 days of the year and I'll do them for the rest of the year." Bugs said as Kaio nearly lost the game as he started laughing at Daffy.

"I can't believe he fell for that." Kaio whispered to Sofi as she giggled.

"Oh right! Hahahaha, sucker." Daffy said, thinking Bugs was the "sucker."

A noise drew everyone's attention as they looked next door to Sam's house, where the short man was currently on the roof with large solar panels.

"I wonder what he's up to." Bugs said as Daffy immediately put a stop to his curiosity.

"What do I always say? Don't get involved with your neighbors business before you know it their business is your business. That's a very slippery slope." Daffy said as Kaio looked at him.

"Somehow he makes a valid point." Kaio said with Sofi agreeing.

"Yeah." She said with a nod.

"Daffy, when you live in a neighborhood, you live by a strict code of conduct. Part of it is being friendly to your neighbor. Even the bad ones." Bugs said walking towards the fence between the houses.

Daffy moved from the mower and the kids got out of the pool to follow him and look up to Sam.

"Eh what's up neighbor?" Bugs said but Sam swiftly replied.

"None of your business, ya buck-tooth varmint!" Sam said.

It was so unexpected and funny that Daffy, Kaio and Sofi laughed at Bugs' annoyed expression.

"Hahahaha!" Daffy laughed at Bugs.

"What are you laughing at, beak face?!" Sam insulted Daffy, making him stop and hold his beak.

"My dad was just trying to be friendly." Kaio said, pointing to Sam.

"Keep your friendship, I don't need it! I don't need no one. I'm totally self-sufficient, at least we will be with these solar panels!" Sam said as he gestured to the panels.

"Sam, are you planning to rely strictly on solar power?" Sofi asked him. "Though that is environmentally sound, it may not be the best option in the suburbs." "Plus what about the phone line? That can't work on solar power."

"Don't worry! I plan on keeping the phone but the rest is gonna go! Say hello to fresh electricity and goodbye to high energy bills!" Sam said as he pulled out hedge trimmer's and walked to the three power/phone lines connected to the house. "Now which one is the phone line again?"

"The first one," Kaio said as everyone looked at him. "The last line in the power line, the repair guy told me last time."

"Thank you." Sam said as he moved to the last line and cut it, shutting off all power to his house. "Jackpot! I'm off the grid!"

He ran to the power switch for the solar panels and turned it on to let the solar energy flow.

"Sun, do your thing!" Sam said.

Before long, everything in Sam's house worked again. From the TVs to the ceiling fans to the fish tank filter, everything was solar powered now.

"You hear that? That's the sound of Yosemite Sam never needing nothing from nobody never again! Have fun paying your electric bill, losers!" Sam said, mocking them. Unknown to Sam, storm clouds began to cover the sun.

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