Monster Talent

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It was early morning. Class has already started and the kids were watching the clock ticking away, staring at it as if somehow if they stared at it long enough it would reach three o'clock.

Mr. Lancer was calling out attendance in a monotonous drone. Monday mornings were always the worst.

"DyKaiowyn Kincaid?" Lancer called but no one answered, making him look up from his attendance list. "Kincaid?"

Mr. Lancer looked around for him but saw he was nowhere to be found. His friend Sofi was there, but Kaio was not.

"Hmm, very well. He is abse-'' Mr. Lancer was cut off by the door bursting open.

"PRESENT!" K.O. yelled, breaking down the door scaring some of the students.

Despite knowing Kaio for a year she still has yet to get used to his dramatic entrances.

"Late, as usual Kincaid," Lancer said as he checked Kaio present but late, writing him a detention note. "I'll see you in detention after school."

The teacher handed him the note, making Kaio surprised and angry as the sight of the note set him off.

"What?! But it wasn't my fault! Daffy was arguing to a police officer!" Kaio shouted.

Lancer raised an eyebrow at him, having met his "Uncle" Daffy before.

"Though that sounds believable, that is the same excuse you used last Friday. I'm sorry Kincaid, but this time it won't work on me. I'll see you after school, no exceptions." Mr. Lancer said, turning to the board.

K.O. roared and nearly attacked Lancer, he quickly calmed down. He didn't want ANOTHER detention or worse from assaulting a teacher. He took several deep breaths before going to his seat and sitting down. He could hear some of his classmates laughing at him, but one look shut them up immediately as K.O.'s eyes turned purple as he glared at them.

Even a rabbit can be a savage and Kaio was the definition of a "savage." He felt a tap on his shoulder as he looked to see Sofi looking at him with a deadpan look.

"What?" He asked.

"Why were you really late?" Sofi asked.

"Box Ghost but like I said, it was Daffy's fault. He tried to bribe a police officer with his counterfeit money when he asked for his license." Kaio said to them.

"Daffy doesn't have a driver's license?" Sofi asked in surprise. "He knows that's illegal, right? He can't drive a car without one."

"He's an idiot." Kaio said as Sofi piped up.

"True, but he's a lovable idiot." Sofi said as K.O. sweatdropped.

"Define lovable." He asked but Mr. Lancer yelled at them.

"You two, if you don't want more detention, I advise you BE QUIET!" Lancer yelled at them, making everyone lean back in surprise.

"Wait, more?" Kaio asked in surprise.

"Yes, I thought she could join you since you decided to have a PRIVATE conversation during my class." Mr. Lancer said as he turned back to the board. "I will see you two in detention, 3:15pm SHARP until 5:30pm this evening. Understood?"

"Yes, Mr. Lancer." The bunny duo said as Kaio glared at him for giving them detention.

Later, we see K.O. walking with Sofi with a terrifying expression. During school, the teachers were trying to fail him, and bullies were trying to steal his money. But he managed to get revenge. For the teachers, he reported them to the principal, the only authority figure in the school that actually likes Kaio, and Kaio put the bullies in their place through intimidation, physical contact, or a rough tongue lashing(insults). School was about to be over with only one class left and it was one of Kaio's least favorite.

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