Jailbird and Jailbunny

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It was a bright and partly cloudy day as the crazy family of Bugs, Daffy, Kaio were visiting one of the country's greatest wonders, the Grand Canyon. With them was an old friend by the name of Porky Pig, a pink pig man wearing a blue coat, a red bow tie and no pants. He was like the 2nd uncle to Kaio, the boring but very responsible uncle. They were currently near the Grand Canyon Gift Shop while near the viewing edge as Porky looked at the canyon.

"D-D-Did you know the canyon is 277 miles long, 18 miles wide, and a full mile deep?"

"Not really, but only in certain places. I've read that some places in the canyon can be deeper or less deep." Kaio said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Y-Y-Yeah. Like that place over there." Porky said as he pointed to a spot in the canyon. "Did you know, re-re-recent research suggests the Colorado River helped form the canyon?"

While Porky were sharing facts and gazing at the canyon, Bugs and Daffy headed to the gift shop with Kaio following behind them.

"Maybe something more exciting will be in the gift shop." Bugs said and hoped.

"Yeah, like earplugs." Kaio added as they walked inside.

The gift shop didn't look like anything special, just the usual nick knacks and items to catch a person's attention. Daffy's attention was caught as he went to a rack full of mini license plates with people's names. Something he liked as he was looking through the license plates to find his name.

"Daniel, Darvin, Doug, Eduardo. What?! No "Daffy?" There's five "Darvins" here but not a single "Daffy?" Daffy said as he held up a "Darvin" license plate. "What kind of a name is "Darvin?""

"Don't know but leave it alone. My name's not normal either but you don't see me complaining about not being on a mini license plate." Kaio said as he walked up to the rack.

Bugs wasn't even paying attention, he was looking at a joke book.

"1,001 grand canyon jokes. That's about 1,000 more than I thought there were." Bugs said as he began reading the joke book.

"I mean, what, did someone just match Darren and Marvin together and think that that's a clever name? Well, it's not! It's a stupid name. Darvin is the world's stupidest name." Daffy complained.

Unknown to him, a boy beside him was actually named Darvin, whimpering. Daffy noticed the boy and his upset mother and tried to save face.

"Great name." He said as he put the "Darvin" plate back and walked away.

Darvin just continued to look sad as he looked at his mother.

"Hey, kid." Kaio called out, making them turn to him. "Don't let him get to you, he's not right in the head. Besides, I think Darvin is a great name."

"You do?" Darvin asked him.

"Yeah and besides, his name is Daffy which means "silly."" Kaio said with a small laugh.

"Silly? Hehehehe, that is pretty fun." Darvin said with a smile.

"See? So don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Darvin. You've got a great name." Kaio said with a smile, giving him a thumbs up.

Darvin nodded as his mother hugged him, giving Kaio a grateful look.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem." Kaio said as he went to his father and uncle at the register.

On the way, he found Steven Universe themed headphones slid to his feet and picked it up until something crashed into him.

"What just hit me?" Kaio asked as a bunny with ruby eyes, red fur and crimson hair, wearing a tan-colored t-shirt and black shorts.

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